
Well now I want to know everything that was on that Trite Board. 

Getting more of an FTL vibe, myself. Either way, sounds good!

I don’t think that’s an issue. Age of Ultron makes it pretty clear that Hydra is totally fine with super-powered people as long as they under its control - that’s how Wanda and Pietro got their powers, after all. If Hydra had pulled it off in Winter Soldier, they were banking on having their own supers to defend the

Didn’t someone point that out in an episode of The Flash? Where they mention that every Earth calls itself Earth-1. 

Interesting. I, personally, loved old auto-attack Raynor. It really allowed me to focus on movement and positioning, and probably got me the closest I’ll ever be to halfway decent as stutter-stepping.

Can’t wait until Encyclopedia proves that Bugs Meany was the one who killed the family of seven because his alibi was that he was out of town on March 1st, 2016 and there’s NO WAY he could have gotten all the way to Bangkok in time if the murders were on February 28th, THE DAY BEFORE. 

Personally, I’m genuinely interested in this kind of thing. How does society deal with these kinds of whiplash traumas?

I wasn't trying to say he had said that. I was trying to say if he HAD said that, it would (IMO) be at least as well supported by what we see on-screen. I phrased it poorly, however. 

I’ll be honest - this is why I almost never offer feedback on Kickstarter projects I back.

I mean, a Kickstarter campaign isn’t a suicide pact. If platforms that seemed viable and valid when the campaign was launched aren’t practical by the time the game actually releases, that sucks if that’s the only platform you have access to, but them’s the breaks. Wii U versions of games don’t port themselves ex

Man, I haven’t played HotS in forever. Probably close to a year or more. Makes me want to get back in. My go-tos were always Raynor for Assassin, Auriel for Support, or Tyrael for tank/bruiser. I actually mained Tyrael for the highest climb into Ranked I ever made.

If that’s true (and while it’s something my grandfather used to claim, I have my doubts), I’d think the easy answer would be that you don’t have a debt to pay with cash until the store sells you the stuff, and they simply refuse to sell you the stuff unless you’re not going to pay cash.

Charles, while I really liked Professor Hulk, I think I disagree that it was anything but BANNER getting the best of both worlds.

It’s been a while since I saw the first Guardians, but wasn’t the Stone the reason Ronan could wipe out Xandar just by reaching the surface? Without it, the Nova Corps can fight a conventional battle instead of trying their suicidal ‘wall of space ships’ strategy. 

Also, if Ronan doesn’t have a Stone, the Nova Corps don’t have to commit to their suicidal stall tactics to try and keep him from landing his ship on Xandar. They can fight a conventional battle, and while victory’s not assured - his ship was pretty nasty on its own - even if they lose it’s probably a much closer

I know there are some parts that are/were bogged down in approvals by From or Bandai or whatever. And their Resident Evil 2 project doesn’t seem to have suffered from comparable delays. 

To be clear, that’s because they’re supposed to be regular sized animals appropriately scaled to standard 32mm tabletop sizes. 

That’s certainly possible, and there’s nothing wrong with that! 

If guns are going to have a progression to them, there’s always going to be crappy ones. All you can do is adjust the floor, but then you may find that the cool Legendary stuff doesn’t feel cool enough anymore, since they’re closer in quality or wow factor to early stuff. So then you raise the ceiling and you’re right

Speaking only from my experiences with Siri, if the resolution to what you’re trying to get done could at any point conceivably involve Google results, you might as well just Google it yourself because that’s what Siri’s going to do, but only after you ask twice because it misinterpreted background conversation as