
Just stop picking up the crappy guns. Once you get to, like, level 10 or so, the only reason to loot white stuff is if you want to complete looting challenges for Badass Ranks. Ditto green and, eventually, blue stuff as you get higher level. 

Have Borderlands 3?

So SHIELD Season 5 is basically Endgame in reverse, with our heroes being the maguffin pulled from their own reality into someone else’s to save the day, then back to their own? Neat. I hadn’t realized that until now.

Thank you! The number of people who can’t or won’t understand the fairly simple rules Endgame laid down for its take on time travel is incredible: you can’t change your past, only someone else’s. So when the Avengers go back in time, they’re jumping into other realities. That kind of conflicts with Dr. Strange’s

Altered Beast - for quite a while it was literally the only game I owned, since it was the pack-in game that came with the Genesis my parents bought. My dad and I played it a ton, and when my younger brother was a bit older, we’d play it together as well. Eventually got pretty good at it, and even, one glorious day,

Really looking forward to this, as I loved the first season.

This weekend is for replacing the door switches in my truck so hopefully the dome light will work properly, painting the bathroom, maybe a little Assassin’s Creed: Origins, and, of course, Infinity War.

This is incredibly exciting. I can’t wait to try and talk my gaming group into tackling this. 

The only 100% correct answer. 

I have to say, The Last Witchhunter was all kinds of dumb but it knew it was dumb and it had fun with itself. As far as ‘films based on the lead star’s favorite DnD character’ go, it was good. 

Isn’t it basically just the Big n’ Tasty all over again? I guess the B&T had mayo instead of mustard, but otherwise it’s the same thing. 

Man. Did they, like, program this game on top of an ancient Indian burial ground or something?

Plus, isn’t the FFVII rerelease on Switch now? I don’t know if they’ve announced platforms for the remake.

Right off the top of my head, the giant industrial robots that do frequent AOE attacks in a cone in front of them. 

I’ve played almost all of XIII on PC (I’m literally at the part right before the final boss where the game basically says, ‘hey, it’s final boss time so go finish up whatever business you have’) and, while it’s an unpopular opinion, I’ve really enjoyed the game. Mostly likeable characters, weird but fun setting,

The inability to move party members is infuriating though. I can’t even begin to count how many times Vanille got instagibbed because she insisted on standing next to the tank right in front of a boss instead of literally anywhere that wasn’t being covered by AOEs and cleaves every thirty seconds like a good healer.

I don’t see what’s so confusing. Everyone knows Zelda is the boy, as your own sister site so clearly pointed out.

My favorite hitbox-related thing was Jedi Knight with lightsaber dismemberment set to max. Just run up to any enemy with your saber drawn and waggle your reticle around to ginsu stormtroopers into chum.

Usually Chaotic Evil, I believe.