
I submit that anyone who claims people only apologize to try and save their careers say more about themselves than they do anyone else when that say that.

Space,” it says, “is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.

Now playing

That header, at least, looks fantastic. Kind of reminds me of the awesome TIE fighter short from a few years ago:

So to be clear, what’s immersion breaking in a historical game ISN’T single soldiers wiping out entire brigades of enemies, surviving RPGs to the face, respawning after death, fighting the same battle over and over, zombies, health packs, being able to pilot any enemy or friendly vehicle you find without any training,

You might be right. I still maintain that Jefferson and Oliver would be a great pairing, and it’d frankly be good for Ollie to have someone with superhero seniority on him. He could maybe get some parenting advice from Jeff too.

Leave the movies on their own, thank you very much, but at the very least I’d like to see Black Lightning brought into either Arrow’s Earth or Supergirl’s. It’s criminal that Jeff isn’t going to be involved in the crossover, if only because I dearly want to see someone besides Oliver in charge of the crossover for once

This is a genuinely cool feature. It’d be great if they’d implement it in older models as well - my mom got my dad an Apple Watch last year, and I’d absolutely be telling him to turn this feature on if he had access to it on his older model. 

No joke though, I’ve long thought that a first-person strategy game where the location of your command post was an actual decision, and you had to dispatch couriers with orders for your units (who, unless they were actually visible to you, would be represented on your map as their last known location) would be

You should maybe read the link before making yourself look dumb - it’s friggin’ full of ‘So-and-so led an Army/military campaign/conquered a region’. So yeah, female generals all over the place.

The reasons not to do it are many - first of all, it’s NOT as simple as a toggle to change a variable: Should you let players set each culture’s chances individually, toggle between a couple of choices, or what? You’ll need to design UI for it (and depending on how granular you make this ‘simple’ choice, that could be

And yet I have a feeling that the certain people would be defending ‘Don’t like it don’t play it’ as a totally fine defense, were people complaining about there not being any women Generals in the game.

I must have missed the part where Kotaku or The Concourse called for review bombs or for people at Insomniac to be fired over it.

As C.S. Lewis wrote, “To demand of the loveless and the self-imprisoned that they should be allowed to blackmail the universe: that till they consent to be happy (on their own terms) no one else shall taste joy: that theirs should be the final power; that Hell should be able to veto Heaven… Either the day must come

What if... and I’m just spitballing here, but what if it was a SEXY “You Could Not Miss the Point Any Harder if You Tried” Award?

Black Lightning

Man, it boggles my mind that Bungie hasn’t yet realized that the most important thing isn’t to be able to bring stat rolls forward, but looks. I honestly care far less about being able to wear a piece of Year One armor that I like than being able to LOOK like I’m wearing that Year One armor.

At the risk of coming across as way too into this conversation, wouldn’t a black Superman have less power because of having more melanin? I’m basing this off vague memories of the Tower of Babel story, where Batman’s plan to defeat Superman was some sort of modified (?) Kryptonite that made his skin totally

Man, this makes me wonder what the chances any of the Pokémon I put in the Pokémon Bank are still there if I reup, given that I signed up for it two replaced debit cards ago.

Presumably (hopefully) they mean in the comic’s setting. 

I’m fairly certain there was water - if nothing else, one of the cities was a harbor town, wasn’t it?