
Romance the stone. 

The Double Quarter Pounder exposes the critical flaw of the regular Quarter Pounder: too much bread for the meat. The regular Quarter Pounder needs to be made smaller and thicker so that it fits on a regular bun, then it’d be perfect. Failing that, a Double has the right ratio, even if I feel guilty for eating that

The last part, about how good it feels to swing through New York, exactly captures why Mad Max is the only open world game I’ve ever 100%ed. Tearing through the wastes in my personalized battlecar was just so friggin’ FUN. I actually started to regret taking out enemy convoys and outposts because vehicle combat was

I love it. It’s hilarious and sweet and good natured, and (most of) the main characters are decent people who care about their jobs and want to do good for their community. It’s an idealized vision of the police, but it’s one that feels aspirational rather than whitewashing, at least in my opinion. It’s not blind to

In one of the Arkham games - I want to say Origins, but it might be City - there’s a possible fight you can have where Batman spots a convict on a rooftop. When you swoop in to check it out, you get jumped by ninjas who’d basically staked the guy out as a sacrificial goat to lure Batman in. Batman beats up the ninjas,

Remember when you weren’t forced to click on and read every article about a topic you’re trying to avoid under pain of the explosive collar fitted to you exploding?

I thought it was pretty clear that Killmonger was working with Klaue so that he could get close enough to him to kill him and show up T’Challa (hey, look how easily I caught and killed the guy that the King couldn’t). 

I have no idea what VRV is, but I’m fairly certain they’re also on YouTube. 

This is bad Kinja. 

I don’t know how I feel about a guy proposing to his grandmother though. 

That’s actually the premise of one of the old What If... comics that Marvel used to do - What if Peter Parker didn’t get bitten by the spider.

I’m not a huge Punisher fan, but the way the inside of his mind was described in Max Landis’s Shocker: Legit sticks with me:

Thanks for your work!

KoA was a lot of fun, and I really liked the world (even if it was all too clear that it was originally an MMO). I’m genuinely surprised it took this long for someone to snatch up the rights.

First in a new series? Awesome! Is this going to cover the weird spin-offs and tangents, or just the mainline Metal Gear games? Either way, I hope Revengeance gets covered. I know you’ve talked about it before, Heather, but I’d love to read more of your thoughts on it.

I’ll be honest: I’m a little sad they’re ditching the sash, but everything else looks great.

You yourself said that each pack contains a guaranteed Rare card - just like real MTG packs. So with that in mind, I don’t see how you can say there won’t be rarer cards. It’s part and parcel of this kind of game. I doubt they’ll be nearly as expensive as the higher end of MTG cards - the fact that Valve’s apparently

If you believe that there WON’T be super rare (and, thus, expensive) cards in Artifact, I’ve got a CS:GO bridge skin to sell you. 

Lady and The Tramp

Of course, Fett himself regretted naming his ship.