
A trailer. He flipped out over the scoring of a TRAILER.


Man, if you’re on the fence about Artificial Condition, just know that All Systems Red was one of the most fun books I’ve read in a long time. If this is close to as good as the first Murderbot book, I’m all-in on for as long as Wells wants to write them.

A logistical question: did the species that Thanos already culled get fingersnapped too? Seems counterproductive to kill half the Asgardians (or Gamora’s people), then kill half of them again.

It’s definitely before IW. I want to say it’s set towards the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming, but I could be misremembering.

I was genuinely shocked Cap and Tony didn’t die. I was 100% sure Cap was going to die in Wakanda, and then they basically turned around and killed all the ‘next generation’ heroes instead of the legacy heroes! Obviously a lot (all?) of those deaths will be undone by the end of Avengers 4, but I think a few more heroes

Was that Hugo Weaving back? I looked at IMDB last night but couldn’t find either him or Red Skull in the cast list, so I wasn’t sure.

I don’t know. Yeah, you need good dudes for the very bleeding edge stuff, that’s, by definition, elite content. I can clear pretty much all content in the game with my team of chocobros (Fohlen, Yun, Kaede, Refia, and whoever since I still need a chocobo-based tank), despite only one of them even being a high-tier

Oh. Yeah, that’s probably true. Maybe.

Okay, seriously, how high up does the corruption in Starfleet run, because someone at Starfleet Command is getting MASSIVE kickbacks from Big Apparel to be ordering these constant changes to fleet uniforms.

Definitely. I just think that, stylistically, he’d be a great choice.

I really want more of his Forests of Hell world. I love Stormlight, but that whole ‘Puritans in a haunted forest’ thing was just perfect. I really liked the original Mistborn stuff, but his Wax and Wayne novels just aren’t grabbing me the same way.

Or Rothfuss, but he seems to be taking after Martin more and more in re: doing everything in the world, apparently, except write his next book.

If that was true, games like Heroes of the Storm wouldn’t have switched FROM in-game stores TO loot boxes.

Regardless of the timing and whether it was posted elsewhere first, Kotaku’s responsibility isn’t to look after the health of individual fan projects, it’s to share news of interest to its readers.

I read that Hell Building story, and it was highly entertaining (if anyone’s on the fence about whether it’s worth the time investment, it is), but I’m always DEEPLY suspicious of these super in-depth post-mortems of games supposedly run years before the story is told. There’s one I’ve read that’s supposed to be about

Living in the middle of the country, I can promise you I’ve never been to a wedding with pizza. Been to a few with Mexican food, which is by far my favorite choice for wedding reception fare.

The conservative talking points at the time were that it was a manufactured controversy, as whoever initially complained went there KNOWING they’d be denied service. I kind of half believe this, if only because seriously, who hires a pizzeria to cater a wedding?

I wonder if that talk was to try and make people feel better about waiting a year for Part 2? Like, “No, don’t worry guys it’s not REALLY a two-part movie! (It’s totally a two-part movie.)”

If I could justify the expense of buying a PS4 right now, those two would be probably the first games I bought.