
Yeah, me too, but it could get wonky, especially if you changed your direction sharply. This genuinely is impressive.

Depressing... or encouraging that we might be on the way to becoming the mysterious elder species whose wind-wept ruins the younger races fight and squabble over after our Technological Victory allows us to transcend crude matter?

Given how recently (cosmically speaking) our galaxy became hospitable, we may very well be near the pinnacle of the galactic leaderboards.

A wiser man than I said it well: The whole long course of human history and advancement can be understood as an attempt to get as far away from nature as possible.

Only the first time you hit them. If you run over their unconscious bodies, you just run them over.

Yeah. There’s a reason so many people enjoyed the finale of Dr. Strange, and it isn’t the magic flinging.

I never had any Dino Riders, but I always wanted them when I saw the commercials.

Let me know when I can buy a Radar Technician Matt skin and I’ll buy this straight away.

Just in the book, I think. And man, the book is leaps and bounds more messed up than either movie. Man, the scene in the junkyard with the leeches? Ugh.

I mean, everyone know you can skip the first half of Season One of Har, not to mention the entire Nega-Emperor of Hartown story arc - it goes nowhere, and Har’s third cousin’s death gets undone almost instantly, so what’s the point?

The problem is when the waiter starts giving you looks, like, “How much more cheese do you actually want on there?”

For one, because MCC allows you to play Halo 1, 2, 3, or ODST online. I’m also quite certain that the player count on any of those is much higher than Halo Online’s.

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future - fan favorite show, serious sci-fi pedigree (J. Michael Straczynski was the head writer), post-apocalypse setting that actually played with some genuinely interesting concepts, and the rights could probably be had for whatever’s left on a Taco Bell gift card.

When I was a kid, we used to check out cassette tapes with episodes of the Sherlock Holmes radio serials and listen to them on car trips or errands. I even had a tape I got somewhere of two Green Hornet stories, I think. All of which is to say that, despite growing up in the late ‘80s and ‘90s, I genuinely love this

I’m optimistic for Anthem - hopefully the devs are watching Bungie to see what NOT to do - but man that ‘blog’ was a whole lot of nothing.

Because they’re keeping that one on the bench for Injustice 3?

So is it a YA novel? Liga seems to suggest it is in his first response, but it’s a bit confusing.

Exactly. The more I think about it, the more it seems that Last Jedi’s bombers were just of a piece with how the movies have always shown capital ships being attacked by smaller ships.

Bells and whistles are much less important to Kingdom Hearts than belts and zippers, I think you’ll find.

Having actually PLAYED more than a few of those Tiger LCD games as a kid, hard pass. I’ll take a modern portable game over that crap any day. Heck, I’ll take the grindiest, greediest gacha F2P game ever over that.