
I’m trying to remember - have we actually seen X-Wings taking down capital ships in the movies? I know it happened all the time in the EU, but the more I think about it, the only capital ship I remember being taken down by a fighter was the Executor in Jedi, and that was 100% a fluke.

Heck, most of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are still totally unexplored, even post-Voyager. I don’t know how canon it is, but the old pen and paper Star Trek RPG said something like 10% of the territory withing the Federation’s boundaries had actually been explored.

Off-topic, but I really enjoyed last year’s Murder on the Orient Express movie. While the movie set up (and they’re apparently already working on) a Murder on the Nile adaptation as a sequel, I was trying to think of a decent way to do Murder of Roger Akroyd as a movie and actually capture the impact of the twist

It’s pretty impressive how many of them are actually good-to-excellent too.

I’m not going to lie: I genuinely got worried about where the Plague of Shadows plot was going, but the ending is wonderful. In general, the expansions have done a wonderful job of making what could have easily been disposable boss characters into compelling protagonists in their own right.

Yes. The first expansion, Plague of Shadows, has you playing as Plague Knight. It isn’t as intuitive to play, particularly with its new movement system, but it’s still fun and tells a great story.

Maybe? Diablo 2 still gets patched every year, though it’s generally more for compatibility than balance.

No, what you do is on the little platform just to the left of the arena you fight Juggernaut in, you can use Iceman to make a bridge into the boss area. Walk over it and he’ll never spawn in.

FFXIV in general has fantastic music.

Man, I loved that game when I was a kid. I was so proud of myself for figuring out a way to skip the Juggernaut fight in the first level.

I remember Clone Wars being better, but that may have just been because of the better graphics.

Just pray your favorite series or setting never winds up in the hands of William Dietz. The guy makes Anderson’s Dune and Star Wars books look like literary masterpieces.

Heck, the Catholic church even has established first contact guidelines for determining whether to send missionaries to an alien race.

I like Redgold, myself, but I’ve got no idea how common it is elsewhere.

I don’t think it’s unusual to think of subtitles as an inconvenience; they certainly are almost by definition, as television and movies are a visual medium and taking time to read a set of subtitles is time not spent seeing the actual picture.

The trailer certainly looks fun, but I’m hesitant after reading Meg: Hell’s Aquarium. That book managed to take a stupidly fun premise and just make it endlessly, painfully stupid. Good lord, you want to talk about idiot ball? The characters in that book make the scientists in Prometheus look like level-headed

I genuinely love the ability to swap the handedness of the system. It’s maybe not as important now, as controller design seems like it’s reaching cultural institution levels of universality, but that’s a pretty cool inclusion for left-handed people.

Water is like acid to all but the oldest vampires in the LoK series; the vortex Kain throws Raziel into is literally an enormous whirlpool, and the water eats away most of his body before he’s taken by the elder god.

Amen. If Squenix were ever to release an HD remake/remaster of the franchise, I’d buy it day one, plus whatever ill-advised Season pass they came up with.