
Are you comparing those three cases which actually happened on online? So, as a result of those SERIOUS CASES, are men really so afraid of women or Megalian in the real life? Please understand the context, kid... not TEXT. Okay?

Ahh, it is you that need to read more books, kid.

Okay, bye bye, stdupid! :)

I’m so glad to see some boys who say ‘Megalian’ is a man-hate site so she have to deserve it, because all things that they can list are, like, ‘They teased Korean dicks are tiny small!’ ‘They called Korean boys as vermin!’ ‘They called their father as vermin too!’ ‘And all these things happen on ONLINE!’

‘First I want to tell you’ using words like ‘Feminize’ in the out of Korea seems really stupid, especially when the site called ‘FEMINIZE’ didn’t do anything really harmful, dangerous, and disadvantageous things for REAL-LIFE MEN. No case shows that ‘Megalian’ actually damaged men’s right or something. Did any

Okay, so I’d like to ask you: Who began ‘HATE SPEECH’ in Korea? Men, or Women? What made them to be hate group? huh?