
I was completely shocked that Clara/Jenna isn't leaving. It's helpful to know that Jenna probably wasn't sure/changed her mind because I went in completely expecting this to be her last episode.
I've definitely come around on her though, and like her with Capaldi enough that I really don't mind. This episode was a lot

There's also The Next Doctor (in fairness, it's easy to forget).
1. A Christmas Carol (by a mile)
2. Last Christmas
3. The Snowmen
4. The Christmas Invasion
5. The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe
6. The Time of the Doctor
7. The Runaway Bride
8. The End of Time
9. The Next Doctor
10. Voyage of the Damned
I hate VOTD for some

I saw the UK version (by the end, I was sorry I'd wasted all the time the BBC iPlayer via Tunnel Bear spent buffering and restarting…). It started out promising enough in the 1st episode, got really strange in the second, and went straight off a cliff in the third. I hated the third episode so much. Tennant's

As a celebration of the show, as a pure joy for the fans, I loved it. As far as the story goes, and how it fits with "The End of Time," there is a way it makes sense to me. And that's to see this decision as all about the children - the innocent children of Gallifrey. "The End of Time" simply sends the corrupt leaders

This. I keep trying to give it more chances and stick with it, but it is so bland! It's painful to even try to care, not to mention how predictable every turn of, say, the Skye portion of the episode was. 
My reaction so far to every episode:…

"Let's Kill Hitler" is probably my least favorite episode of Doctor Who (new series, of course). [Why can't we reply more than 4 deep in a thread?!] That was awful.

The Angels didn't scare me at all in "The Angels Take Manhattan." I don't know if it's overuse, the Statue of Liberty, or the fact that it was mainly intended as the Ponds' goodbye episode and they were just the mechanism, nothing more. I wasn't crazy about it, and then there's the farewell/last page from Amy to the

It's on purpose - I read somewhere that Aliens was actually Moffat's inspiration for "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone."

"Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood" is so good. The idea that John Smith is genuinely a real human with his own life and personality, not just the Doctor in a human body, is what makes that episode(s) so emotional and affecting. (I still theorize that "Why can't I stay?" is a quote/reference to Angel's "A Hole in the

Yes. "The Waters of Mars" is beautifully done. So is "42" which was a 24-style the clock is ticking, avert disaster in real time episode. (although I did feel like the pick off and infect one random person on the space station/space ship at a time in both was repetitive)

Really? Is that confirmed anywhere?

This was the very first episode of Doctor Who that I watched, and I still think it's a brilliant jumping-on point. Incredibly creepy, stand-alone, with just enough introduction to make you curious and want more (I went back to "Rose" and watched straight through afterward).