
“Ghost writer”!?! Dang it Ray, did you kill him too?

Not sorry, retailers, but nobody working these kinds of jobs should EVER be “on-call.” You aren’t working in a world where the world will come to a crashing halt if your employees aren’t on-call. Very, very few fields ever need on-call employees, and all of those fields tend to have actual emergency situations

I know we hate the Greek system here, and are pretty much incapable of feeling anything other than visceral disdain for it, but I don’t quite understand the logic of suspending the entire frat. If the student was walking by a meeting of the chess club, and 3 players yelled the same horrible things to some unfortunate

So to paraphrase, the first bit was him saying running today sucks because no one just gets out and runs for running’s sake, and the second bit is how running today sucks because there are too many people doing the marathons just to do them for the joy of doing them and not trying to be competitive? Did he have any