Sounds and looks like a fun, clever game, I only wonder why the name MARS is somehow not in the title.... “Planetbase” sounds like a touchy-feely Super Bowl half-time dance group composed of needy youth from around the world, or some shit.
Sounds and looks like a fun, clever game, I only wonder why the name MARS is somehow not in the title.... “Planetbase” sounds like a touchy-feely Super Bowl half-time dance group composed of needy youth from around the world, or some shit.
How can I get paid just reposting this nonsense, this feels like a come-on for some work-at-home scheme.
Labor activists should really be going around the malls, giving out pamphlets to let workers know their rights: you have worker’s comp, sexual harassment is illegal, unpaid overtime is illegal, unpaid “on-call” shifts are illegal, etc.
So you just outsource customer supporter because hey, don’t pop the bubble for a bunch of privileged-techno wunderkindern living in an electronic fairyland, what with their personal trainers, decentralized hierarchy, free coffee, six figure paychecks and smug, elitist attitudes.
Time to bring back public corporal punishment, like the pilgrims had. Forty-eight hours in the stocks, being pelted with rotten fruit and vegetables, should be sufficient punishment for Beane’s first offense.
I love the idea of Japan or someone building a giant fucking aircraft carrier and claiming it’s part of the “Coast Guard.”
The choice is obvious Luke Plunkett, it is you.
Abercrombie & Fitch, haters of large people
Sure those are fine, they’re voluntary; but the part where there’s a twenty minute advertorial about how much American Airlines just loves you to pieces before you get to listen to crackly jpop and suck on a $5 plastic pouch full of air and peanut shells, not so much.
It’s a reasonable estimate to say that about 50% of all music and film industry executives in the last fifty years belong in prison on federal racketeering charges.
Thank you for the handy infographic reminding me to avoid a crazy-making game for hyper-speed 15-year-olds mainlining rage-fuckery.
Now take them out of banks, supermarkets, airports and airplanes, and every other fucking stupid place this society full of insufferable douchebag asshole marketing “geniuses” thinks they need to shove their stupid asshole messages down our throats.
If you can’t beat the competition, bribe a bunch of politicians and regulators to illegalize the competition. Fucking mafia country.
If a content creator wants to be repaid for their hundreds of hours of unpaid labor, and if the service and game publisher approve, I don’t see an issue, provided others are alway still able to create things for free if they so desire. The Sims games, Minecraft servers, Second Life, some people will pay for good…
Maybe if they wore their crowns and gowns people could remember their names. Fuck this ‘just part of the festival crowd’ look, if you are the hereditary overlord of a nation, dress the damn part.
I thought Wells Fargo was a western bank, what with the stagecoaches and all. Why are they wasting precious bailout money on an East Coast sports team in, of all places, Philadelphia?
And if the other woman didn’t also obtain full consent for each of her actions, then we have to accept that they sexually assaulted each other?
Maybe they should hire a Tokyo correspondent who can fucking reading Japanese, I don’t know seems like a reasonable job requirement.
It’s because the one guy didn’t wear the special glasses.