
I think the point is that mocking institutions that use religion to fleece people out of their money should be something that extends to the right side of the spectrum.

Is that the new Colbert show? Because I don't remember being coached at the Report.

I think both approaches are feasible, but I just prefer things with more substance. I totally believe he's genuine, and that's what makes his show work.

I heard there's a place in France where this is regularly practiced.

I've said it before but I'll say it again: Stephen Colbert seems insistent on making late night a show for adults again, whereas Fallon seems intent on being a teenager who can't believe he gets to meet his favorite celebrities, and hey remember the 90s?


I remember going to the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, and hearing someone in the audience exclaim, "I can't wait to chant 'Stephen'!!!"

That's a shame, because Kendrick Lamar killed it.

I'd say it's not a "let's do whatever we want" mentality as much as a "we can do whatever we want" mentality. Colbert is a great improvisor, but he still approaches it with some structure and discipline, as opposed to Ferguson, who was just in the moment all the time.

I put it this way: Fallon is an excited teenager who can't believe he gets to talk to all of his favorite celebrities. Colbert is doing his best at being an adult.

Letterman was a bland piece of white toast for the last 5 (10?) years of his tenure. I went to a taping of the show and almost fell asleep.

It's also a joke he used on the Report a lot, too.

You got a critique on the show and the host himself — the content of the sketch was more literal than you're giving it credit for. Colbert did make "certain compromises" to keep the "amulet" (who was really sitting in the corner by the Mentalist machine) happy by mentioning products on his show. He's a slave to that

I don't know, that sketch felt like a Paul Dinello piece.

Exactly. "Shake up the late show formula" isn't really very difficult. Even the "old show" was doing the formula of "jokes, guest, music." What has happened to late night is everyone is doing poorly acted and/or poorly written desk bits, and tells monologue jokes in the same "late show patois". (e.g. "So, lately <news

I think someone just earned a pizza party!

Totally!! Math should be about logic and problem solving. Let kids learn their times tables once, and then let them just use calculators so you can teach them the good stuff.

I mean, yeah, you need it for some applications, but we teach kids algebra without going into group theory. You don't have to go all the way to actually calculating linear regressions. You can teach kids what p-values mean without having to go through the insane calculations necessary. And you can do a ton of work in

Right, but that just falls under the larger umbrella of knowing how to teach to all students. For example, studying literature or poetry or other written things is super important, but I know more than one person with dyslexia/reading LD. We have plenty of support for people who have trouble reading, but very little