You lie down with bigots, you wake up wearing a hood.
You lie down with bigots, you wake up wearing a hood.
Yes! Fucking THANK YOU.
Wait, so minority women do our part (like we’ve ALWAYS done) and it’s still get back to work. How about white America gets to work on themselves? How about you so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?
In the coming days people will be looking for someone to blame, the pollsters, the strident feminists, the Democratic Party, a vengeful god, but once you dust for finger prints, it’s pretty clear who ruined America—white people. I guess, ruining Brooklyn was just a dry run. The caucasian nation turned up in droves to…
*white people
I know...I’m telling myself there’s a silver lining to this (there’s always a bright side to everything, right?) but then I keep coming up with NOTHING.
White women pissed that a woman of color is infringing on their irrational, should’ve aged out of this by now Princess fantasies?
Dave, thank you for doing this. From our conversations, I have a sense of how much time you spent on this. I believe your aim was true and your heart was pure. As I read this, I am both angry and sad. Sad for what happened to my friend. Angry that I only knew of her condition after she had passed, when it was too late…
I hate it when I come to Deadspin hoping to see a Haisley posted soccer gif, or a Jamboroo and wind up spending 30 minutes reading a well-written, longform article that causes introspection.
These responses on Jezebel made me realize that I’d HATE to be Beyoncé. You have to live up to this deity like perfection. You aren’t allowed to have missteps and you aren’t allowed to occasionally publicly like something dumb. It’s like being a prisoner of your own success. When people are writing papers about your…
Liberal academic elites, with their PhDs and whatnot. Just Gauling.
If Jay has any sense whatsoever he’s been socking it away. Nobody’s giving him even a league minimum contract when his current deal expires.
The position of the first pic doesn’t seem sexy to me. It reminds me of “bad naked” from Seinfeld.
Sometimes I think the Internet and all the dialogue can have negative consequences. I’m in a not so great place in life and the internet can be a bit rabbit hole I fall down creating validation of my anxieties which cause me to do...nothing. The world feels so enormous and unconquerable . I’m sure I’m not the only one…
Now there’s a twitter war with a “journalist” claiming Birth of a Nation had a weak opening weekend because Black women hate that NP is married to a white woman. Why point the finger at NP’s terrible handling of the rape controversy, slavery movie fatigue or the seriously mediocre reviews, when you can blame black…
When everyone was running to proclaim Jesse “Wokest of Bae’s” I was cautious.... now I see for good reason.
Thank you!!!! Black women support black men no matter what and we hardly ever receive the same support in turn. We march, raise awareness, and console; only to be ignored when it is our turn to be highlighted. But that’s our job...
People call her a whore but she still get’s to participate in business ventures. She still get’s to grace magazine covers. She still get’s to go on talk shows and be seen as cute and relatable. If something happens and she needs to do an interview, she is given the chance to clear her name and is accepted again. She…
Really? No one? Not black women?