
The live stream is a godsend. I can avoid the fawning over Americans and the wildly overrated sports (swimming, gymnastics, beach volleyball, etc.) in favor of my true loves team handball and women’s archery.

Why do you feel sorry for the dealership? They were allegedly assholes to this customer and the will lose future business because of it.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

-Vice President of Ultimate Frisbee

I hope that Skip’s first guest is 2016 Presidential candidate Giant Meteor.

Ooh, let me just skip on over to the living-wage job tree and pick another. Because we all have a whole fucking job-tree orchard to harvest from.

The statistic about 273 disappearances on cruises is meaningless without more context. How many people went on cruises in those 20 years? What’s the ratio of disappearances on other kinds of vacations compared to the total number of people taking those kinds of vacations? For all we know (and really, I have no idea, I

Apparently, the LAPD has a search warrant for access to Roy’s email and phone history to locate the source of the hack. The culprit could be anyone, but TMZ reports humorously that “the working theory is the perp goes buzzzzzzz.”

She is not ‘whip smart’. She makes a lot of offensive and shitty comments about a lot of people and groups of people. Sure you can say that she’s just ‘stirring up controversy’ but that is not smart to me. It’s just being an asshole and I don’t know why she’s applauded for it.

Trump breathes oxygen like the rest of us but he exhales pure bullshit.

I get a strong “He does goofy stuff to irritate her, she needles him back and then as soon as the camera turns off they start fucking” vibe from their interviews, which would explain why they have so many kids.

can we talk about how incredible the underwater episode was?!?

Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

She looks really sharp in that first picture. I’m surprised that her boss had a problem with that.

The irony of the people insisting she should have read the job’s requirements before agreeing to the job, not reading the article itself.


When Roy Cohn calls you callous you need to invest in a whole body PedEgg.

Words of advice from a straight woman:

I miss when you had to draw your sex organ and mail it across the country in the hopes that the horse drawn carriage pulling your mail across the rugged, undeveloped landscape becomes waylaid by a pack of female bandits who seize the mail, find your hand drawn sex organ, and eventually track you down because, my man,