
I submit Zoe Saldana is not a big name and can’t carry a movie. Name a movie where she was the big draw. All her previous big roles they could’ve cast someone else and had the same box office. Nobody went looking for her. They should’ve hired someone with the looks and the talent, maybe launched a new career instead

Viola Davis (HTGWM, etc.) - Oscar nominated

No, it’s about how cornrows are a black thing. That in the past they were associated with ‘scary’ black people and were a ‘trashy’ hair style according to American popular culture, but now that they’ve been approved through mainstream whiteness via blonde UFC fighters, they’re a hot trend for white people to try and

Also box braids, not BOXER BRAIDS, are a real thing.

I agree completely with her points about slut shaming, but it’s undeniable how much of the Kardashian brand is based on having a perfect image and promoting something that is unattainable for most people. Let’s not pretend that what she puts out there is telling women that they should embrace their flaws.

And didn’t part of her tweet rampage last night basically include calling Midler old and Moretz an unknown? She can disagree with whatever the hell they said about her but then she stooped. She’s not better than.

I’m a bad role model for being proud of my body?”

“I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.”

I really do love her message here... but it doesn’t erase the discomfort I have with the way she and her sisters are selling this image and definition of “woman” as something SO totally far from the natural state of woman. The pounds of multi-colored contouring make-up, the waist trainers, the diet pills... It’s like,

It always seems to come back around to my sex tape. Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO. Literally that lonnng ago. And people still want to talk about it?!?!

I didn’t see anything other than someone complaining about the traffic, but to be fair 290 traffic is horrible anyway

The real problem with casting Zoe Saldana is that she has benefitted from white supremacy in the industry; Nina was victimized by it. Though they are both black women, they represent almost entirely different existences, and it is this contradiction many black women have the most trouble with.

And like I SAID, your opinion is not an informed one since you are speaking on issues that have a different context for Black people. So of course your opinion, though you have the right to have it and yap about it all the livelong day, is not as important as that of someone WHO IS ACTUALLY BLACK. Do you know what

There is and if you’re not Black, it might not be all that apparent to you.

You are mistaking “dark enough” with “Black enough”. The former deals with colorism. I’m a light skinned Black woman with 2 Black parents. I’m plenty Black. BUT I also recognize that I have certain privileges my darker sisters do not have.

She has had other interviews and has definitely said those kinds of things. We aren’t just making it up, you know.

Hey, white people, do me a favor: Stop telling Black people what we should or should not be concerned about, what should matter to us, and that our concerns are “silly” or make no sense. No one knows more than we do about our own culture, and we don’t need your uninformed input. Wanna learn something? Cool, I’m sure

Well damn. Now I want to know exactly what they said because your response is fantastic.

Nina Simone wasn’t part Black, she was all Black. The way she looked was intrinsic to her life experiences and her story. Nicole Kidman wearing a fake nose to play Virginia Woolf has a different meaning than it has in this context, as do lots of things for non-white people. In this context, a woman who is a “more

Still some bullshit. How insulting to Nina Simone, what she stood for, what she went through specifically because she was darker-skinned woman with full lips and an obviously African nose. Her daughter wasn’t consulted and is against this movie, not only because of the ridiculous casting and use of darkening makeup,