
The point is it undermines her credibility. He is saying it was consensual. She is saying it wasn’t consensual. It’s her word against his. So if it can proven that she lied about important stuff, under oath, then her word becomes less trustworthy for the jury in general and they will be less willing to convict based

Oh now it’s all “poor you” and “I was just trying to keep an open mind” huh? Fucking moron. And believe it or not you can be reasonable and rational about admitting it was a mistake and the girls weren’t wearing blackface without thinking that “white girls being falsely accused of racism is the worst thing in the

And? We’re giving these girls shit for being too creative now?

You really don’t understand why your “Maybe they are racist, maybe they aren’t” attitude is pissing people off? It’d be like someone being accused of being a pedophile based on a mistake, then that person being completely vindicated by irrefutable evidence, and then you come along and say “Well I don’t know, this

Because your open ended interpretation is continuing to cast aspersions and vague accusations of these women as being racist where there is zero evidence of that. These women are the victims here, they have been suspended for absolutely no reason other than people jumping to conclusions based on one bad photograph.’s pretty clear what happened. People saw the original picture and assumed it was black face because it looks like black face due to the poor lighting. Then the other picture where she is clearly dressed like an alien in purple and blue face paint was posted and reasonable, rational people said “Oh, ok, I guess

So, what are you saying? That dressing up like an alien shouldn’t be kosher in South Africa? You wouldn’t have even noticed any racial element to these costumes if it wasn’t originally framed in a “Is this blackface?” context due to a shitty photo. So that is ENTIRELY being read into it by you. No, they were not

It’s mulignan not mulligan, it’s a Jersey bastardization of the italian word for eggplant (melanzana)...they said it all the time on the sopranos. But that is definitely not what’s going on here, the girls are dressed like fucking aliens and some people seem so desperate to be outraged they are reaching for any

The amount of people reaching to incredible lengths to STILL classify these girls as racist is bizarre. Someone on this story said it’s racist because people in the past have said “I’m not racist, black, brown, purple,. I don’t care!”. What the hell is the motivation there? Weirdos.

You’re nuts...they are dressed like dumb aliens. Grow up.

“Avoiding a racist mix-up by skipping dark paint altogether would’ve been another cool option.”

You’re seriously bananas. Kendrick actually writes his own stuff and has something to say. This song is just booty popping with a bunch of token references to blm shit thrown in to be relevant.

I’ll bet your favourite food is poo pie too huh?

You annoying bro.

It does not imply that all men are capable of killing a woman. It simply illustrates the fear that is in the back of every woman’s mind (and for good reason) when they meet a new man who might be into them. Or even just walk past a man on the street.

Lol what is it you love about Nicki Minaj? Her superficiality and fakeness? Taking money from brutal dictators? The fact that everyone she works with says the same thing, that she is a horrible nasty person? Or maybe the fact that she made one of the worst songs ever with “Stupid Hoe”. So much to love about her!

She’s the one manufacturing herself? Haha. Well you bought the lie then. She doesn’t write her own songs, it’s well known in the industry. She has a bunch of people that make most of the creative decisions for her. She got started in the business by auditioning for a girl group. She ain’t a real artist, she’s a pop

Bingo. Her writers are biting Kendrick’s style and message cus it’s a hot issue write now. So inauthentic and cheap.

Pfft. Kendrick is a real artist with substance and shit of his own to say. Beyonce is just a manufactured pop star and doesn’t even write her own material.They are not comparable.

Lmao, you’re certainly reading a lot into that. A bunch of dumb conspiracy theorists see her and Jay Z making an “illuminati symbol” and think they are illuminati because they are rich and powerful. There is no racist element to it. They don’t think she was always illuminati and thats why she’s successful, they think