A Chad is a good thing? I thought it was a male Karen. I’m so confused with slang today. I miss the tubular, bodacious days.
A Chad is a good thing? I thought it was a male Karen. I’m so confused with slang today. I miss the tubular, bodacious days.
Yeah but you know, sometimes you just want a new car.
A PHEV? Nah, it’s too full of compromise when you want an EV. At least with the EV, they’ll save in maintenance and get the benefits of a dedicated EV platform (more space).
The guy wants something with as much space as the Accord, the Polestar 2 is NOT it. It’s cramped AF inside.
Ugh. Incoming stringent security background checks required to rent a car.
Listen, this all mysterious circumstances. Plane fall from sky like oligarch fall from balcony. How? All his own. Mysterious!
...with 29 survivors currently being treated at a nearby hospital.
Mysterious circumstances? C’mon man, they have already identified the KIND of Russian SAM that downed this airliner.
>Then I’d have to make a Hertz rental
There is a philosophy in the aircraft industry to ‘leave no stone unturned’ when it comes to aircraft crashes. This is primarily a safety thing. While investigators have a pretty good idea of what happened to MH370, they are not certain. Finding the exact location will give them more evidence, even if the black box…
They usually tend to gravitate towards Project management and Application services. Lots of Indian ladies gravitate towards Dev ops and QA from what I noticed in my environment, they like to Nepo each other in. Women tend to also get a bad rep as managers. The women I had as managers, I was told about them being a…
The "women in STEM" problem is more because most of those career fields are perceived as nerdy and uncool. My department had a lot of women mostly sysadmins with a few coders
I work for a fortune 5 company’s IT service desk, and same. Our department is heavily diverse, except for women. We actually would like to hire more women, but statistically, they don’t really apply in the same numbers as men. The last girl I wanted to contract on with us, the company decided not to use that…
Consider the possibility the "DEI" has simply proven itself ineffective and expensive. Equality can be achieved without paying someone six figures to parrot "White Fragility". I worked in a Fortune 100 company's IT for years and our office was very diverse long before the current fad of DEI and ESG.
Normal people should be upset about business using demographics instead of merit to hire…
DEI are unfair pratices... they put skill level or habilities under things that don’t have nothing to do with work like gender,sexual orientation or color..
With tank-slits for looking out of the thing. And the rendering itself is low quality. As you say: Just a shitty, ugly, featureless brick.
The problem isn’t the “low volume luxury EV” part of the equation.
If that rendering is their future, Jaguar is doomed. It’s like a Cybertruck, a late model Camaro, and a Nissan Z had a threeway and produced a child.
Plane are not air tight like a balloon. Without the cabin pressurization bleed off the engines (or if someone left a window open), cabin pressure is going to drop as the plane climbs.