Exactly. Just like UPS drivers aren’t making $170k year in income, that includes benefits. Still nothing to sneeze at though.
Exactly. Just like UPS drivers aren’t making $170k year in income, that includes benefits. Still nothing to sneeze at though.
Yes, which is why they can easily afford a Mach-E.
A made the mistake years ago this was a car enthusiast page, but after years of people defending slow Camry’s in the left lane, waxing poetic about fuel efficiency as a reason to love a car, and ripping on anyone who prefers to drive a manual, I’m convinced I’m just here for the comments now.
I’m fully expecting your comment to be shadow-banned within the hour. I’ve been complaining about this since GMG took over this rag. The GMG union took a great website, killed it, gutted it, and are now wearing the skin as a costume to further their political agenda. Case closed.
As a cyclist, I hate watching other cyclists scoot up to the front of a line of cars at a red light. Just asking for someone who didn’t notice them to make a right turn right into them. Seen it happen. Super stupid way to get hurt, not to mention low-key inducing a stranger to hit them, which isn’t good for the…
This is some victim blaming bullshit, and assumes that all pedestrian strikes occur when the pedestrian is entering the cross-walk from the “right” side of the road.
Somewhat off topic: Are cyclists supposed to follow the road and traffic signal or the sidewalk and crosswalk?
Normally, I’d agree. But it seems like this article is yet another anti-car hit piece from this supposedly driving orientated magazine. Why do you hate cars and driving so much, Jalopnik?
People who drive dangerously already ignore traffic laws. Imposing new laws won’t improve safety in the slightest.
Nah, leave it up to local municipalities to make their call. I’ve had countless hours of my life wasted yearly due to having to wait at intersections at red lights where absolutely zero cars passed through the intersection for the entirety of the light cylce as I was waiting for green. I’d add ban the bs left turn…
My Hyundai Elantra GT Sport (2018) also has great adaptive cruise with the same thing - toggles on the steering wheel. Set it, and then up and down in 1 or 10 kph increments. Honestly, I think most the hate for cruise control comes from people used to cars before the adaptive cruise stuff that you can adjust from the…
Adaptive cruise control is the shit. I just pick my highway “adopted car parent” .. like, “Yeah, I wanna go the same speed that person is going” and driving 3 hours to the cottage is pleasant.
Drivers who don’t use cruise control: Please use the cruise control.
People who refuse to use cruise control are the worst. The absolute worst.
I drive 106 miles a day commuting and 95 of them are interstate miles. I whole heartedly concour with your comment. I know exactly who isn't using cruise and I don't understand why anyone wouldn't use it on the highway.
You probably aren’t in Canada during winter.
While I agree for the average commute, last year I drove a rental moving truck 800 miles in two days and I ended up using my left foot on the gas half the time just to alleviate the fatigue and pain. I would have killed for cruise control in that thing. Disclaimer: I’m not as young as I used to be and I’m sure I…
Moonroof. or Sunroof. What ever you want to call it, is the one dumbest thing ever. No thanks.
The only order I need on the interstate is you moving to the right.
I was born and raised on cold vinyl bench seats. Young people today don’t know how good they have it!