

700 HP? Doesn’t sound right. That is the Rolls Royce Merlin engine. The base configuration in a P-51 for example is around twice that.

Why is everyone up in arms? It is a paper by the Heritage foundation. It is not the Republican Party platform. Though some disingenuous players from the far left will try to convince you otherwise.

Occam’s razor. Maybe he is just stupid?

Maybe there is simply inadequate thermal management in those things. Millions of people never have a problem charging their Teslas in any temperature.

Poor choices too.

What he is saying is correct. How many hours as pilot in command have you logged?

It’s called density altitude. Their IAS (indicated air speed) is pretty constant.


As rare as unicorns.

Or just put the climate on “keep”.

Meh. You will get an alert as the article states. Just turn climate on with the app! The only difference will be the display on the screen.

And get the last guys crappy battery? No thanks.

Wait till next year if you are contemplating a “Y”. It is getting the same “Highland” treatment as the 2024 Model 3.

Old news. More FUD.

What is it that yo like about Hyundai. Their quality built cars or their reputation for customer service?

This! Thank you.

I don’t doubt that they saw “UFOs”. That doesn’t mean that they are of extraterrestrial origin. We are in a bit of a backwater here as far as the galaxy goes. Not exactly at the crossroads of the universe.

Good points. I traded up my MacBook Pro when the M1 chip came out. I see no reason whatsoever to get a new one at this point. It still performs spectacularly.

I don’t get it. This is a surprise? I’ll bet that if I dropped that cube from that height on a steel roof it would damage it also.