
I had an opportunity to spend an afternoon with a pre-release version in February of ‘21. It had a lot of good qualities but I took a pass for several reasons. One of which was the ride. It rode like a truck. Because it is a truck. If you are coming from an Explorer you would feel right at home. From a Mustang? Not so

A little of both. Especially useful on Interstates. Not so much in city traffic.

The article failed to mention is that you can now “rent” FSD for $100 per month. For all of its failings the thing works very, very well on interstates. A lot less variables. And the auto lane change thing is cool. Very Autobahn! 90% of FSDs best features were available in the “Enhanced Autopilot” option. Which is

Just had to bring Trump into this didn’t you. This story is not about President Trump. Seek help.

While millions are streaming across the border unchallenged? Got it.

Thank you for your astute insight.

Or Accord.

I lived with one for a month as a rental. Not that bad of a car but the 1.5 turbo/CVT combo was lame. In city driving it was responsive enough. Barely. But try to make a pass on a two lane road starting at 55 MPH. You had better allow a lot of room. It struggled.

I had a G8 GT and paid ~$30,000 in 2009.

I owned an ‘09 G8 GT. Very nice car. Great driving dynamics after I had it “Pedderized”

Remember Mercury? My dad always said, “A Mercury is just a Ford with lock washers”.

“...the students are justifiably upset about the ongoing genocide in Palestine.”

A very wise and successful business man told me “your first loss is your best loss”. Words to live by.

Sylvania bulbs. No, seriously.

My feeling is that this goes double for Harley riders with straight pipes. Which is all of them around here.

Birds of a feather...

Cuz maths.

So she goes on TikTok to show the world how stupid and irresponsible her and her husband are.

How about the market for sub $40,000 EVs? Like Tesla’s model 3. And the now defunct Chevy Bolt?

Do you care to share your understanding of what Autopilot is? I’m not sure  if you or the author of this article got it right.