
Just 3919 lbs.? My 2009 Pontiac G8 GT weighed about that. And would go 0-60 in 5.0 flat. My Tesla model 3 weighs in at only 3616 lbs. That “M” is still a rather chunky car for 340 Hp and 333 torques. I suppose though that’s pretty good back in that day.

Sorry, that gas ban is not going to work. For more reasons than I care to enumerate here this morning. Speaking as an owner of both an ICE car and a BEV. So I speak from experience.

All of this to haul one ass and a bag of fertilizer?

Did you read the whole page? A lot of ifs, ands and buts.

They had CCS adaptors here in the US for a short while. Almost no-one bought them. Also, it would require a hardware change at cost. There was just no interest.

So, John Oliver wants to buy a slave? Typical of his ilk.

Why wait?

My son out a set of those Contis on his Tesla and is very happy with them.

But very good in the snow and f’ing awesome in the wet. I‘ll accept a very slightly degraded dry performance for that. But that’s me. If I wanted to track my car I’d buy a set of appropriate wheels and tires for those days.

I’m 72 years old. I have never found the OEM tires on a new car to be anything but cheap junk. Some I replaced immediately, some after a short distance. They are not the same as what you could buy over the counter. It may even be the same make and model but made to the vehicles manufacturers spec.

No they cannot. Completely different protocol. Different connector. It is vaporware at this point. Just last week I was involved in the commissioning of a level III charger at a Chevy dealership. CCS2. They say they will support the Tesla protocol but no firm dates other than sometime in 2025. Will they then retrofit

Except you are not taking into account the charging infrastructure. Although, that will change. Eventually.

It’s a sports car! Isn’t it? Why is this even news?

Not what I expected.

I want to hear what it sounds like in full song. Like a swarm of angry bees?

Intact except for that prop strike that will require an expensive tear down and thorough examination.

GMs LSx engines FTW!

They “look” like the least reliable? Are we going on “feelings” instead of facts now? SMH

Wow! You must be a Mensa member to construct such a witty response. 

Sorry for your poor experience. What model did you own?