
How does the dealer confirm that you have enough federal income tax liability to qualify for the full credit?

I believe that is what I implied. ;-)

Or stand in a puddle of spilled diesel fuel. In the cold. In the rain. Versus plugging in your car in the safety and comfort of your own garage.

Why do you assume that people that want a means of defending themselves as “scared”? Do you know what the Boy Scout (and Girl Scout) motto is?

Those types of packages are not usually delivered by Amazon.

My first impression seeing that picture is that the wheelbase seems quite long. How maneuverable is that thing?

I guess you didn’t read my comment. Just reacted. I was using Tesla as an example. I know people love to throw out expensive examples that are on the fringe.

Of course not. But for those that do...

Other than the models S and X Tesla for example does not make a car that costs more than $54,490 and as little as $40,240. And that is before any credits or incentives.

I drove my Tesla model 3 Standard Range RWD from Milwaukee to Minneapolis and back. 335 miles each way. My first stop to charge was at a Culvers in Mauston where my wife and I had burgers for lunch. My second stop was at a Panera Bread shop in Eau Claire where I got a coffee and we shared a scone. It was refreshing,

Of course you can always plug it in in the comfort of your garage and have it charge as you sleep. Not everybody is doing a daily 500 mile road trip.

As well they should. I own both a BEV (Tesla 3) and an ICE car (Mercedes SLK). I am a big fan of EVs but knowing what I know, EVs are clearly not for everyone and may not be for a long time. If ever.

Give that kid that 1,000 cc starter bike. Please. It will self correct his thoughtless and dangerous driving. Real quick.

Can’t help yourself, can ya?

California? Tend your own garden.

I had one for a rental while in FL some years ago. I wouldn’t give you 50¢ for that POC.

Sounds like a step back if you ask me.

They will adjust prices to meet market conditions. That is how this works. Econ 101.

It’s called competition. We have been part of a world wide market for some time now. This isn’t the ‘50s

Before I retired that would have meant I would only have to pay 3% of $24,000 annually instead of 25%. Sounds like a good deal to me. And then there is maternity leave.