I’m sure Elon Must had something to do with it.
I’m sure Elon Must had something to do with it.
EVs blamed immediately with no proof whatsoever. Color me shocked!
24 hours from bottle to throttle. Not a reg but simply sound advice.
Aren’t you the life of the party. Do you ever have anything positive to say or just spew hate?
That’s why something like magsafe needs to be the standard. It has a specification. The current inductive chargers do not so it is hit and miss whether the coil falls in the best spot for your phone.
It is probably easier than ever to build one since it has been done many times.
Sure, when you can exploit cheap labor to manually squeeze the juice out of the sugar cane. It can make it price competitive. I’ve seen it done. Turn the crank by hand.
Shh. Don’t throw shade on another attempt to demonize EVs. Especially Teslas cuz Musk. You must be some kind of commie
And that is why EVs are not for everybody. How about the other 70%?
And where does the energy come from to run the high speed rail?
Sorry. Except for the Mazda there is not a single vehicle in that list I would be interested in.
Used Nissan Leafs can be had pretty cheap.
And, as a bonus you won’t need to stock up on fuel stabilizer to prevent that 8 month old gas in your tank turning into varnish. Win, win.
Auto glass companies just love them. They account for a significant part of their revenue. Many keep driver’s door glass in stock for the more popular makes.
I spent an afternoon with a Mach-E pre-release model in February of 2021. Sorry but, it is an SUV. Simply because it rides like a truck. Also it’s size and shape make it more like a Tesla Model Y. An SUV. Not at all like a Tesla model 3.
Does a lion need to tell anyone that it is a lion?
Could we maybe just start with something basic like lane discipline?
Instead a bland station wagon?
You praised Tesla here? The death squads will be paying you a visit shortly.
I was the parts manager at a Porsche/Audi and Fiat dealership from ‘76 - ‘81. People in management were given company cars. One of the cars I had was what I thought was called a 924 turbo. I maybe had an “S” on the back. I don’t recall now. The 944 came later.