They won’t. EVs are not for everyone. Why ICE cars won’t be going away any time soon.
They won’t. EVs are not for everyone. Why ICE cars won’t be going away any time soon.
Unless you are staying at a motel that has free to patrons level II chargers. Then overnight is fine.
I paid for my level II charger with just the money I SAVED vs gasoline in the first year. With a couple of bucks left over. And we don’t drive a lot.
With the key on the seat.
What! What! I thought that only Teslas caught fire. At least that is the impression I get.
My wife and about half of the population would find it so.
In what way exactly has Elon Musk affected your life negatively. You personally.
The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of rocks. As a resource gets scarce and the price goes up substitutes are found. And by price I don’t mean just economic.
The author of this article is assuming battery technology is stagnant. It is not.
Because of the pre-production hype. You know, the inter webs?
Different strokes for different folks. I met a man at a supercharger with a yoke on his new model S. He told me that after a short adjustment period he fell I love with it and would not go back. I suspect some love it, some hate it. Duh.
Can’t help yourself, can you? It was a Jaguar, not a Tesla.
And what happens if you don’t pay the fine. Around here, nothing.
You had to say MAGA, didn’t you. Is it Tourette’s or just plain TDS?
I wasn’t talking to you.
Just spraying lead like he is the only person on the planet. Should get at least 20 years.
By interesting do you really mean excessively cluttered and confusing?
If I was not prohibited by an NDA I would love to post the “Field Service Action Alerts” that I get pretty much daily from Ford. Or the service bulletins I get from GM.
Yet, just by your comment you come off as an asshole. I don’t understand all the hate for Tesla. Nobody is holding a gun to your head to buy one. Except maybe in California.
Do you truly believe that Mississippi is the only state with this policy?