
Isn’t this the schtick of Children of Men?

He’s on SNL. This thread shows a reasonable number of people find him especially attractive. I know if it was my name in the headline, there wouldn’t be anyone saying how hot, funny, or successful I was. 99% of us are 0/3. 

He’s successful, funny, and attractive. How complicated is it?

Added “bonus”: outlawing third-trimester abortions entirely will not only create more dead people, but it would create more Kermit Gosnells.

The lack of empathy and compassion some people have for people having to deal with a doomed pregnancy is frightening and incredibly sad.

Nobody, absolutely no doctor ever would authorize an abortion when a woman is full term unless there were something seriously wrong. How is that so difficult to understand? It is dangerous to deliver a baby that size especially through an induced labor of a deceased fetus, and no doctor would ever risk that.

In fairness, Singer is different than someone’s anonymous boss.

Look, Rami, I get that you’re mad because so many people are countering you. But holy crap, you sure are putting a lot of effort and energy into swearing up and down that you didn’t know about Brian Singer, and that you are somehow of absolved because of it.

2. Why don’t you believe that an actor (the most self involved creature on planet earth after the Kardashian) didn’t take the time to find out what was going on with someone else?

I don’t believe no one around him said anything. They are self-involved and their reputations as they relate to scandals like this are important. Someone tells Scarlett Johannsen that she’s pissing off people taking a role meant for someone of Asian descent, someone tells Kate Winslet that she may alienate her base by

Legitimately haven’t watched a single one of those.

I’m not blaming Rami in the least. I just don’t believe the claim of not knowing. I’d support him saying that he had an inkling but he’s young and new and had to take an opportunity that represented a potentially life changing opportunity. I don’t think he witnessed anything and failed to report. I don’t think he’s a

I don’t really blame him for taking the job. I’m saying ‘I didn’t know’ is a shitty excuse and I’m sick of it. I think that’s what the article is saying too.

We should be holding the living members of Queen who had an incredible amount of input on the movie, including the choice of director, more accountable for going forward with Singer after all the allegations. 

totally agree with the parental angle. that’s what i saw too: a bunch of prick kids who were raised by maniacal trump supporters and forced to go on a pro-life march because that’s all they know. apparently no adult was around to keep these little fuckers in line. 

You guys, I just need to get this out.

8 or more.

I’m curious how you were mislead, the title explains exactly what goes on in the article. Any inference about what that meant when you first saw it was entirely of your own design. You didn’t say the interview subject deserves respect. You told an author to change the title of an article she wrote that you didn’t like

It is not the author’s job to find the hidden meaning in your comment.

This article tells us what happens when women have abortions that late. This is why late-term abortion needs to remain legal. Women are not deciding on a whim to have abortions at 32 weeks. It is done for medical reasons.