
I certainly agree that the top execs are not focused on what’s happening down in the editing room on a regular basis. But my Spidey Sense is wary of the idea that even some grunt-level employee is likely to chop out one of the most famous parts of that series. That’s like AMC showing “The Untouchables” and deciding

I am deeply suspicious of this request to turn up my speakers...

Of the original 30, it was seriously like the 28th-best one. The only one worse that immediately comes to mind was the enormous slob-job about Yankee Stadium, which suffered from the same problem: it didn’t say anything that didn’t otherwise get repeated once a week on ESPN.

Better question: why the fuck is that a 30 for 30 doc at all? If the whole point of the series was to highlight the most interesting stories for the past 30 years and tell them in informative and intriguing ways (the whole ‘What if I told you...’ opening implies some degree of the unknown), why would they devote an

I think at least half the problem is shitty nutrition; people are overfeeding themselves empty calories of overly processed animal fats, sodium and pharmaceutical-grade refined sugar-carbs, but at the same time, our bodies are starved for minerals, vitamins, fiber, and micronutrients, and we’re all exhausted from

No one should be surprised by this outcome. Not only have the experience of dieters shown that these kinds of body responses are typical, but years of scientific studies have shown this as well. I have been appalled by this show for YEARS. As a former trainer, I could easily have predicted this outcome. The body does

There is no evidence that calorie restriction is bad for you — severe calorie restriction is. If you are trying to lose weight and consume 2500 calories a day, reducing that intake to 2000 over time is not bad for you. In fact, if you are obese, it is probably in your best interest. Often switching to a healthy diet

That’s not mature, that’s cynical and dishonest. It’slike, you’d never admit to a crime if it implicates someone else? And you think THAT’S maturity? A really fucked up way of thinking.

the dialogue in that page is fucking terrible.

Fuck no. Coaches don't have your best interests in mind, because their priority is keeping *their* job. You think his coach gave him rent money out of the goodness of his heart? It was to make sure he could keep playing for the team, and keep the coach employed. Fuck lying to protect selfish pricks.

He didn’t throw his coach under the bus.

So keep quiet and enable a discriminatory system or be honest and have the system endure the necessary pain it requires to be properly reformed.

You’re fucking delusional. And did you really just reference a FICTIONAL show to somehow support your argument?? I seriously hope you don’t reproduce, and if you do please don’t teach your children anything about lying and maturity. I mean, seriously!?!? Delusional.

Yea, but it’s not amaturity thing. Honesty is considered mature. This is that hypocrtical adulthood situation where we want you to lie to us to make us feel morally decent.

Right. The mature thing to do is lie to protect the guy who’s going to make just shy of $5m this year (plus endorsements) while you struggled to pay your AND YOUR MOTHER’S bills. I don’t see anything wrong with that logic at all.

this is a stupid take.

Is Hugh Freeze going to be out money because of this? Do coaches get paid less in seasons that they can't go to bowl games? I'm sure Freeze will do just fine. even if he gets fired he'll pop up somewhere else in the good ol' boys club of college football.

No that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. The right thing is exactly what he did, tell the truth. That doesn’t make it the BEST thing to do for everyone involved, but right is fairly cut and dry in that situation. What you are advocating is no different than police officers protecting each other by omitting

as for how many of those people make a shitton of money courtesy of those very same bullshit rules, precisely because they back kids like this into a corner, well, we’ll just sweep that under the table, shall we?