What the actual fuck? This party is better at holding itself back than the GOP.
What the actual fuck? This party is better at holding itself back than the GOP.
Which is why the whole idea of good guys with guns acting like superheros to stop bad guys with guns is a load of bollocks. The police arriving at the scene of a shooting has no way of distinguishing good guys from bad guys, and no time to be figuring it all out. So, they let their implicit bias (or explicit bias aka…
In the next day or two, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Bradford was being a hero, a good guy with a gun chasing the actual gunman. But, you know, he was black, so by definition, not a good guy.
Who do I root for? On one side, we have a nonverbal orange-haired monster, concocted by capital to appeal to and siphon money from unsophisticated rubes, who has irritatingly saturated social media and (perhaps due to forces somewhat beyond his control) politicized sports. The other is Gritty.
It seems to me, Nacho is positioned as this show’s Jesse Pinkman, and he will suffer greatly and continuously, as our hearts bleed for him.
I love dogs, I’ve had dogs all my life, but a lot of people don’t like dogs and some people are allergic to dogs. Stop being an entitled jerk and leave your dog at home. He’ll be there when you get back. Dogs don’t belong in stores, on planes, and certainly not restaurants. And you can all take your bullshit…
Why does everyone want to bring their dog with them every time they leave the house? Grocery store-bring your dog. Retail store that has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with dogs or pets-bring your dog along! Maybe there will be another dog there and they can bark and fight!
“Why can’t my dog sit just outside the restaurant patio?”
No. The middling Clinton strategy has gotten us in to this mess. No thank you.
Don’t forget the morons who will believe anything.
As a doctor who knows other doctors, this is in no way a new development.
Let’s not forget the father and son pairing of the idiot, racist Pauls.
Between her and Ben Carson, doctors are looking kinda fuckin’ stupid.
This is a ridiculous accusation, and yet entirely believable! I’m 100% here for it.
#MAGA lumpen need to remember: ANYONE can become an “enemy of the state”. Don’t think your red baseball cap will save you.
This is the ss liquidating the ghettos.
We’re fascist now.
Again, when someone is having a mental breakdown, do not call the fucking police.
“Character motivations in haunted house films rarely make sense, but Ted claims a surprisingly believable reason for not just getting the hell out at the first sign of the supernatural: He’s sunk his savings into the house thinking he could flip it.”