
why would he sue? he would have no real legal basis to sue. his case would instantly crumble once its proven to be psychosomatic.

chuck was doing more than working from home. he started taking meetings with clients. but still lawyers aren't stupid and I'm sure they would all know his disease was BS. It took that doctor about 1 day to figure it out but the show kinda kept pretending that everyone in the world would keep enabling Chuck.

I have a really hard time believing that an entire legal community of a city wouldn't already know that Chuck's "disease" was all in his head. Also last night's episode should've come much earlier than season 3. Way too much time on Chuck.

Success is always hard to maintain but even the most successful rap artist is gone within 2 years.

not true, rapping requires a limitation on how it's said. Singing imposes no boundaries at all and allows complete freedom and individual expression. The topics covered in rap can be as wide ranging as melodic vocals, but their delivery in restricted.

Rap is definitely an art, but it imposes vocal limitations on itself that restrict it's growth. Ever notice the incredibly short shelf life of any rapper? There's no where to go after maybe a few albums

What? It seems like you missed his point.


how did "profoundly flawed masterpiece" make any sense? can't have it both ways.