
As a fan of the 90s shoegaze band Chapterhouse, this headline prompted dog-whistle-immediate joy, then almost immediate confusion.

His shirt said he was a Female Body Inspector!


"I do not understand this site's ongoing critique of Spencer's Captain America run."

Nick Spencer can't sleep at night without first rubbing himself raw to a doodle of Wonder Woman saying "Men's rights".

Good, fuck clowns.

Hello there!

Hey yeah, what the hell?

Miles it recounting his adventures to Ganke and Goldballs at the beginning of each issue, so it doesn't really matter if you're not reading Spider-Gwen, I don't think.

Don't mind me, just tryin something out

"Think OJ Simpson trial in the Marvel Universe. That's the kind of story that I want Marvel to make."

That's Vanessa Carlton. Hence "AC/VC"

Comics? What, like Ziggy?

OH I get it

I think it's amusing that when you include this video game and the Mary Elizabeth Winstead sneak-prequel, the series chronology goes:

Yeah, I had to take to eBay to get myself copies of Animosity #1 & 2 as well as Rough Riders #1 & 2.

"Has Millar gotten sick of being a shock jock in the last couple years?"
Yeah, actually! I was just telling a friend who hated the rape-y elements of every Millar story he'd read that the past few years have seen the guy finally taking his criticisms to heart. Chrononauts was essentially "Time Bros" and it was a total

(Bear with me for a minute, I've never tried fiddling with the text in a post so I'll see if I've got this right)

"in the meanwhile"

Sounds like you'd enjoy Grave Encounters and its sequel. Found footage made on the cheap but with enough interesting ideas and spins on the haunted house story (including—most effectively—some crazy time distortion stuff in its back half) with a sequel that doubles down on that third act lunacy.