According to a statement released by a WWE representative, Roman Reigns is among three wrestlers who will be unable…
According to a statement released by a WWE representative, Roman Reigns is among three wrestlers who will be unable…
Thanks for reminding me how much better the games would be without the announcers and just the real sounds from the game instead.
That was the most disappointing thing of was in January. The most disappointing thing of 10 pm on a Tuesday night in October.
According to Charania, Portis and Mirotić, who play the same position
Now that’s how you secure that spot in the starting lineup.
Mitchell clearly went to Draymond Green’s school of kinesiology.
It’s a bummer Houston didn’t trade Tom Savage to the Browns, then you could’ve had Hogan and Savage on the same depth chart. The Micro Powers, if you wiiiill, daddeh.
Does anybody really like Joe Buck?
“Man, the Browns are getting killed out here. You’d think they played in Las Vegas.”
Hey, easy there Al! Who do you think you are, stealing my material from the Deadspin comment section? I didn’t spend all this time and effort getting ungreyed to see you hijack one of my jokes.
“Go fuck yourself, San Diego Los Angeles Carson Inglewood San Diego!”
“Go fuck yourself, San Diego!”
Yeah, as much as I personally would like to see him kick the ass of the NFL and NFL owners, I think he’s gonna have an impossible time proving collusion. And not because some or all of them didn’t make a group decision to stiff arm him, but because I can’t imagine there’s any convincing evidence of that.
Unless there’s evidence somewhere that all or even some of the team owners sat down and decided as a group not to employ him, I think he’s going to have a hard time proving that what we’re seeing is actually collusion and not just happy coincidence. There’s several teams that wouldn’t even be on the market for a QB,…
oh holy shit those fat cheesehumps would F-R-E-A-K.
Nah, this will just make UW’s loss in the game all the more devastating.
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.