To Mustang owners just replace the walls with crowds of people.
To Mustang owners just replace the walls with crowds of people.
They should get this guy to the White House ASAP
Rick Martell approves, but points out this is a goddamned Boston Crab.
Legit query: Is it only the Walls of Jericho if Chris does it? Do we have to call it the Boston Crab if someone else performs it?
This old man would love to see the first item on his wrestling Spotify Time Capsule: the Figure Four.
An MMA fighter named Jonno Mears dropped the Walls of Jericho on opponent Aaron Jones at Saturday’s FCC 19 event in B…
the problem with bourbon is that you get hits of everything else in the garbage can where it belongs
Basically, Brock is now 2003 Scott Steiner, just minus the purple thongs poking out, thank the maker.
They killed the next next big thing by having Braun lose after just one F5 after giving Brock like 4 of his powerslams. That was total BS.
Stop fucking browsing at work with your speaker volume up, idiot.
Because not everyone is such a twat.
Honest question - what the fuck is wrong with you? I hope that’s just the drunkenness talking. That was one of the most vicious, and easily avoidable, hits I’ve ever seen.
As someone whose nana bought him his OG Game Boy, Dreamcast and PS2 throughout the years, cool nanas are the best nanas.
This is classy as all fuck.
“The first thing I’m thinking is there’s some pedophile trying to buy my grandson an Xbox,” Watts’ grandmother Saundra said. “So I’m like, I’m going to bust up in there and bust his bubble.”
I like that she called him a dodo
Can you imagine the reaction if Jordin Tootoo or Jordan Nolan (I’m not bringing up Carey Price for a couple reasons) announced they were going to turn their back on the anthem due to Canadas treatment of First Nations peoples? Missing and murdered First Nations women, chronic abuse at the hands of police, racism…
And Jones actually took a knee.
The opposite of the WRX/STI interior.