
We have to give a fuck because you give a fuck, and we need to know what the fuck the shit you say means.

And yet they make money. It’s almost like people want hot coffee despite that one person that one time, like they cater to millions a day and not just the one. If she cant handle it, that’s her problem, and she probably shouldn’t handle hot things. I had a cup of coffee from there about a month ago, it was not

Yo, MRA! The judge just sent them to a summer camp instead. Turns out the media got too hot for the father, so he backed down. I got that from FOX, who cannot stomach your views.

This is not an attack on a man, it’s attack on a female judge. Your pathetic MRA ass should be on board with this on several levels.

I would drop the case and claim I don’t want visitation, rendering this judge moot. Problem solved. Maybe one day they know what I did and come around to see me, maybe they don’t. He didn’t do that because now they are forced to visit him. They are in a cell where he can get to them any time he wants.

Evidence is irrelevant. The child says he saw his father beat his mother and doesn’t want to hang out with him. End of story. Even if you could prove it didn’t happen, which you can’t, you still cannot force the kids to play little buddy to someone they hate.

Nobody is siding with the mother. We are against the judge who locked the children up to punish her. There is no legal mechanism for forcing kids to see their parents, you can force the mother to make them available, but you cannot force the child to submit.

Didn’t a Pakistan game show award a baby as a grand prize a couple years ago?

Many states pay people to foster children. It can be up to $800 a month, depending on circumstances and age. Give a couple of kids to a cash strapped family and watch the prosperity gospel work its magic. Better that money goes to a tithe paying family who will raise the child in their cult, than to a poor woman

It happened all over South America around the same time as this as well. It didn’t have any racial bias, it was all about that cash the Catholic church prays to. Whoever did it is probably dead, so maybe we’ll get a scapegoat for it, but we’ll see. More likely it will be taxpayers who had nothing to do with it that

Godwin’s law, my friend. Sooner or later, everything is compared to Hitler. Obama, Bush, Israel, everything.

You said the world, my friend. Last I checked, Richard Sherman, the guy most the links on your finely tailored search point to, wasn’t the world. He’s just one guy.

Cool story. While you’re at the google punch in Mexican thug, see what happens. If you get bored look up all the words they have for thug in primarily black countries. Do Nigerians hate the blacks as well?

No Unturned? I am disappoint.

No man, just no. I am done until Clarkson has a new show. I have no desire to see someone like Russel Brand talk to me about cars I cannot afford, but maybe someday will. I want Jezzas common sense with Mays double doctorate, and a little bit of Hammy.

It is OK on my end. I've had a couple beers and got attacked for a post on another site since the original post. I may have been drunk and defensive. If I've caused offense I apologize.

No, I just think he likes what he likes. There's nothing wrong with that. Why would he Hulk out and punch multiple producers? I know Clarkson clocked one for not doing his job after he had spent a long day doing his, but does May do that as well?

He'll be back. No way that cat won't land on his feet. Until then I'll just have to sustain myself with YouTube clips and older episodes. I was drunk for half of them anyways, so they'll feel kinda new.

Oh, he's an asshole to be sure but he makes no attempt to hide it. Plus, the guy just cracks me up, in part because he is such a dick.

Maybe your dad was born with it, maybe Clarkson needs Maybelline. He's a smoker and a drinker, so that takes it's toll as well.