illinois beauty

I am a Catholic too and think they same. However, ol’ JC would have an issue with them selling tickets to this.

Woody is a top two director. The other is Sidney Lumet.

Also - deleted and banned from deadspin so brb

Fuck yeah.

Totally. Is it just me or does anyone else want to pop that huge zit between her eyebrows. I bet that thing is so juicy.

It’s actually a larger government because now Russia’s government is a part of our government but your point is well-taken as well. I haven’t had a non-nightmare dream since the night before election night.

The kind of riding I do is dangerous there bud.

Yet another reason why I gave up bourbon, and drinking, for 2017. Hell, at this rate I’ll stop riding fucking horses too.

A strawman? Is this what they teach in high school now? LOLOMG... this country is going to hell.

Gotta love when white Americans call Futbol soccer. Even better when they pronounce it with a flyover state accent.

Well I guess I’m just an old school throwback because I trust stuff like NYT, WaPo, and The Huffington Post. Starting to trust rogue sites like Jezebel too.

^fake news

So according to you Japanese Baseball is better than USA Baseball? I mean, that’s honestly pretty laughable. Where do the Cubans go when they hop on their rafts? Destination - USA. They never wind up in Japan and according to you God only knows why. Well, guess I’m God then because I know why - USA is better

Except Jezebel has never published fake news, unlike Faux News which is almost all fake news. Some of the comments here are really stupid but that’s only because they are commenting from Russia.

Fucking Japanese Cheaters. I knew it.

I know, it’s so crazy. If they were actually going to do that they would choose a dungeon in Brussels or something. Or a secret hotel in Saudi Arabia. Or a private island in the Caribbean with all that nice, warm water and beautiful sand. Or an old castle in Scotland, retrofitted to feel like a real castle from

Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-Japanese baseball. I actually think it’s flattering that after WWII they picked up our pastime. I’m just saying that clubs these days have been so burned by high-value pros out of Japan that lacked the one thing everyone thought they had - value.

To me the article read more like the film was called Hidden Fences.

To me this says that Japanese talent just isn’t there anymore. Remember Dice-K and Nomo? Neither of those guys panned out and that is because this is the big leagues here in America. Think about it - when a Cuban gets in a tire and tries to make it in baseball where does he go? America, not Japan. That’s not to

The X should either be silent or pronounced in French.