I'll have a Jameson

Now, the megastar is making sure her signature phrase is reserved for her use alone, filing an official application to trademark both the word and sound “Okurrr.”

Though if they started transitioning post-puberty they will have lifetime stronger bones and muscles from all that T.

Now “let’s wait for all the facts” 🤣

So, these 2 Nigerians were actually arrested, and The Root is still trying to spin it. serious?? You’d rather there be hoards of MAGA assholes full of hatred running around assaulting people than have someone just be begging for attention? That is sick.

Um, yeah, this hurts, but it needs to be said. BLACK FOLKS FAKING SH*T for publicity and blaming WHITE GUYS-IS RACIST. Calling-out everyone who points out that a black dude lied to YOU to frame an imaginary white guy, yes that is also RACIST.
Crap, the light toned African-American dude was using the actual dark skinned

It’s this type of classless garbage response that just makes people not listen to you. If you don’t have something intelligent to share, keep quiet. Cussing someone out because you disagree with them is moronic. It makes you look stupid. Come back with an intelligent argument or shut up.

I’m sure that there are people who don’t believe Smollett because they’re racist or homophobic or both and I think that’s shitty. All this nonsense about whether he’s getting fired or not from his show or is just looking for attention doesn’t matter one little bit to me. I don’t believe Smollett because everything

Sorry, what have I posted that’s asinine bullshit, clown?  You’re a shit spewing moron, don’t blame me.

Consistently delusional if you really think the majority of people who never believed this obvious bs are racist homophobes. Mostly they’re just not braindead lemmings like yourself.

And I no less so.  The issue of race is toxic enough without having to stage crimes to prove the point and paint as racist those who first wish to learn the facts before blindly accepting the narrative.

Wait Jussie is here?

Just perusing some of the comments here and you seem like an incredibly hateful moron.... here’s what I’ve got so far:

Well, he’s right this time, so, hate the game I guess?

Not a chance. These amateurs are here to ply the flute and get the few rats that believe their shit to follow them into the abyss of biased and dangerous opinion pieces. This story will disappear from this site so fast you won’t even realize it happened.

No one doubts that racist and homophobic attacks occur. That it occurs at all is terrible. The reason for the skepticism from the beginning is the details are too on the nose. MAGA hats? check, noose? check. They are details that sound like a 12 year old would come up with if they were writing a story. A real racist

So you guys are doubling down on this being a real attack. Lets see how this turns out.

You must be new around here.

If this turns out to be a hoax I’m hoping people are willing to admit they were wrong. Anyone with doubt was called a racist/homophobe because they weren’t buying his story. Not to mention there was never a discussion about any of the red flags as they were quickly written off as being trolls or just left in grey.

I’m personally hoping that this is an elaborate made-up story to hide something else that he did. It’s a better alternative than having pairs of MAGA bros walking freely around Chicago at 2 AM wearing masks, carrying bleach and rope, looking for gay POC to attack.