Thats exactly right he is mad because “wait thats not how we do things”
Thats exactly right he is mad because “wait thats not how we do things”
$28 is before taxes just as a first off
Was this a joke? He was born in brookline
The opposite I dont think its limited Im just shocked its just such a given in there
Its okay in that its not some thing people talk about much or try and change it my self included this article just felt like a splash in the face
Why is it okay that a part of our nation is like this? Fear of violence because of some thing writen on your car? Sounds like theres not alot of freedom down in the “dont tred on me states”
I’v nevee been pro violence but if these parents pressed there daughter to file a court order to destroy evidence of there own molestation that should be done there actual monster and there loved ones whould be spared more pain if they where gone
since its all ready your job how about you look at your fellow officers and ask why is it thag MANY MANY law abaiding citizens don’t trust or feel protected by you?
That shit is BS and history proves it every single revolution/change/movement has had some bad apples. The french revolution involved a fair amount of burning and killings, those events where wrong but it does not make the idea behind the movement crap.
Let me ask you a question directly as a citizen to a officer. We the people are expressing pretty clearly that we are afraid, that you don’t make us feel safe , that we don’t trust you. And I’m not just talking about “thugs” regular people not all of us but a lot.
Lol your argument against some of your fellow officers being thugs is saying you try? I have a carrier not joining the police force doesn’t mean I dont care... Your one of them clearly
As a middle class white american your fellow Cops have made me honestly afraid to dial 911 , if things go even a little wrong or one of them gets scared some one I love might die.
Why is it all ways okay for police to lie in reports? No one ever seems to care they just make up what ever, we catch them and they say fuck it what ever nothing you can do.
This is going to hurt modding so much. Communitys of other wise helpful people are less likely to work togeather now. For people who think this is good for modding think about this. Do you think severals modders are going to be as likely to work togeather now or will they all go it alone for more $$. Plus many small…
This exact scene is in the comics here…
in the comics he does shot super man with a krypton bullet at some point maybe that is a sniper rifle
The first 8 or so are listed in the order there numbered
I only drink the top watery part of a bottle of orange juice. If some one shakes the bottle I have to let it settle again before I drink it.
This looks like terminator 5, hungery day of insurgents,
she said pretty clear she sends him home stright after.