Five Six Seven

And with that comment, I finally understand you.

Now I'm worried that you haven't seen Hot Fuzz. Please be good to yourself and watch it!

I was hoping they'd include the bug, and they did not disappoint.

I saw it as white.

According to the rules that the movie itself sets out, there is no pill.

"And can you describe for the court the dress you claim the defendant was wearing at this party where you claim to have seen her?"

Some people are seeing the raw colors as they appear. Others are seeing the colors as their brain has interpreted them according to their visual context.

I think you meant to say "white".

What does this have to do with videogames? You ruined Kotaku. Unbookmarked.

That photo makes me want to punch society in the face until it apologizes, and then not stop.

Cicely, Alaska.

Wynn Win Situation

They did, but I don't recall which one.

Stubble maintenance like that isn't free.

I don't care about no Blade Runners or llama chases or chameleon dresses.

Funited Plates Repartment of Sustice?

Now in my head it looks like the Master Control Program from Tron.

I like your attitude.

You're looking at it all wrong. You got to share a fetal pig.

What is this "Super Hell"? Does it have slow wifi or something?