
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.

Never a bad time to remember Cardale Jones’ tweets

Yeah, the “stick to sports” argument is spreading like wildfire.

This gave me a reason to like Chip Kelly.

Reason #803 I say fuck Canada.

I know the Patriots are arrogant, but could they really be THIS arrogant? The stuff about the headsets starting to work right whenever someone approached the NE sideline about it is just, impossible to not see as suspicious. That is honestly the maddest I’ve ever seen Mike Tomlin in an interview. He will give the old

Well... points for not using blackface, I suppose.

I've decided to dress up as the League Office.

After V. mentioned 20/20, Donald angrily replied that he didn't really care how the 40 acres were parceled out.

Let's see.... it will show up on ESPN Sportscenter. Sportscenter is played something like 50 times a day on the ESPN channels. It will also show up ESPN's website. It will show up on TNT's coverage of the NBA. General sports websites will also cover it. Perhaps news broadcasts and general news websites will cover

What do you mean nobody will see it? The game hasn't even tipped and it's making rounds through Twitter. It will be mentioned during the game a number of times and Sportscenter will almost certainly have a segment or two about it. It's a pretty meaningful gesture.

That would leave exactly two players: J.J. Redick and Hedo Turkoglu.

I feel like every black/Latino player on the Clippers should just flat-out refuse to play until something is done.

So what he's saying is that the NCAA's enforcement of arbitrary rules created in order to prolong the myth of the "student athlete" and amateurism was all that UConn needed to get back to the top. Which means the system works!

Prevailing opinion (and logic) suggests he was only given a technical foul and not ejected because the fan did something that provoked him, and the officials heard/saw it.

A superfan at a university that embraced a fired Bobby Knight? I'm sure he was just discussing the latest State of the Union, Oscar nominations, etc.

Over/under on the use of the word thug tomorrow opens at 125

You can definitely tell this guy listened to the radio edit version.

Look, if Tim Tebow was your new co-worker, you'd be trying hard to help him find another job too.