This. Is. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta!
This. Is. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta. Sparta!
The stat doesn't help much out of context. It's common sense to imagine that only a percentage of the people that buy a game actually ever play the game. And it's common sense to know that only a percentage of the people that play that game actually beat the game. The a more interesting question would be: how does…
Luke, you need to get your gaming references straight. This is 'inspired' by Warhammer 40k, the same way Starcraft is. []
Respectfully disagree. By rewarding the poor and excessive dialogue and derivative gameplay of Dragon Age vs the innovation and the intensity of the experience of Demon's Souls, I think you're doing a disservice to the industry. Still love you guys, though.