
Actually, he could probably get a waiver for the overpayment from SSA and they’d give him a few months to “spend down” the amount. Also, he’s allowed to stay on benefits if he was earning “below SGA” which is a little over 1,000 now, so he may not have been ineligible all that time.

This has been talked about for a while now, but it is alarmist and possibly inaccurate. Meats processed with nitrates are very different from non-nitrate processed meats. There was no control to test for that. Also, did they look at how much meat people ate? What they ate with the meat? I think there’s a big

I was confused by this too, having been on low-dose chemo for an autoimmune disease myself. At least we know that if she was on methotrexate, she definitely wasn’t drinking. Still, hope she gets better.

I knew an awesome girl when I spent a summer in Ireland named Brid (the original celtic version of Bridget). It is pronounced “Breed”, but as an adult I doubt you’d get any flack about it. I thought it was cool.

From my understanding, Fort Greene was gentrified by upper class African Americans in the 80’s. So by gentrification, he just means white people moving in.

It seems to me that the court is telling the Plaintiffs to try again on a different legal theory. The law could be upheld as a “work requirement”, but it would have to apply to men and women. My guess is that the original complaint didn’t bring up the issue of how it was applied (to women only). I think it was a big

Prednisone is Monkey’s Paw of medications: you bargain to take it so it treats your autoimmune condition (so you don’t die), and then it causes a whole bunch of other problems (diabetes, weight gain, bone loss, tooth decay).

I live in Providence, RI. One of the colleges here is the amazing Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), which is perhaps the most premiere art school in the world. They named their b-ball team, the RISD Balls, after their famous artist’s ball, and it went onward from there. Their hockey team is the ‘Nads, their

Let’s hope the Deal sisters come back to the Pioneer Valley and kick that judge’s ass, and then help these amazing young women get a record deal.

Any chance of this movement coming in to save them?

Great idea Mr. Trump! Let’s give the country back to the Native Americans!

My friends and I are going to celebrate our summer birthdays with some Prosecco and cake at my house. Totally chill. Going out takes too much effort.

Have you seen the French comedy “French Twist” (Gazon maudit)? If not, rent it. You’ll enjoy it.

Yes! I’m also a short, curvy girl. I also have stomach issues that make wearing anything high-waisted painful. And high waists, like so many fashion trends, look terrible on short people!

Yes, as someone who has food issues I am always clear about the things I cannot eat because of Crohn’s are not life-threatening allegies and that other things that I just can’t stand like bean sprouts. Restaurants are always happy to accommodate.

I remember in high school some of boys I knew were into Ricki Lake.

Go meet with the Dean of Students ASAP! Say you aren’t looking for a grade change, but you are very upset that they didn’t follow the Frickin ADA and give you your accommodation!

My friend’s dog has the same problem. Poor thing eats chickpeas and sweet potatoes (with a special vet made vitamin powder to balance out her nutritional needs), but she’s 14 and her liver is doing great!

The shoe vomit threat can be very useful!

I know your pain (literally!). I have Crohn’s and am getting my 3rd small bowel resection this month. It’s so frustrating explaining to people why I can’t have nuts. (No, I do not have a nut allergy, yes I can eat nut butters, but the whole or chopped ones could get stuck in my intestine and cause an abscess or