
Don’t worry, I at least get it. :-)

I totally empathize! I’ve had Crohn’s and between weight gain from prednisone and flares my weight has gone from 130-89. I’m 105 now, but the stretchmarks drive me insane. They’re many years old though. Too late to do anything.

ARGH!!! And the FDA lags on approving meds for real disease!

My private school had great lunches, but the wisest thing they did was give us peanut butter and crackers and milk at recess every day (all the way through high school). Lunch for 9-12 started at 12:30, and many of us lived far away and had finished breakfast by 6:30. That extra carb & protein boost really helped.

I think I was pretty oblivious as a kid, but my classmates at my all-girls school did tease me a little about my chest, which grew to be one of the biggest in our class in spite of my being the shortest. I wore baggy t-shirts and sweaters a lot and I was also a little overweight. If I wore anything form fitting, my

That chemical has also been shown to help with Crohn’s disease. I don’t have the cite, but I read a few actual papers about it. I’ve been considering getting a card for a while now. Only reason I’d try it too. I was way to much of a control freak to try recreational drugs in my youth.

I so want a Martha Vaporizer. I am hoping she comes out with one, as I have never smoked and would need to look at her guide as to how to do it properly. And she’d have the best damn pot brownies to boot!

But did Cornelius get in because his parents made the donation? Or did the family endow the scholarship so that other kids could have the same advantages as Cornelius? Not all donations are nepotism. Some are made out of limousine liberal guilt.

That is awful! My first sleepover was at my best friend in grammar school’s house, who is black. Her mom and my mom got to be good friends (they still are, as are we), so we spent a lot of time at eachother’s houses.

What a great day to repost this! I remember it made the rounds after the Boston Marathon bombing, where people ran towards the blast zone to help. I was never more proud to be a Bostonian.

Great story. I grew up in Wellesley and we used to watch the marathon by Wellesley College. Whenever the first woman appeared the screams from the locals and the Wellesley college girls could be heard all the way to Newton. I remember cheering for Joan Benoit when I was 5 and I have a better appreciation now of why

If I am FB friends with someone, that means that I actually DO want to see pictures of her progeny sitting up for the first time, eating an ice cream cone, at a little league/hockey game, smiling at a playground. If I care about you, I care about your kids. The author is right about the unfollow button, but also, why

Same at my law school. Girls came in with the same designer tote bag, and many looked like they were on their way to the club, not grad school. I sat next to a girl wearing a sweatshirt and jeans (I think I had on a sweater from highschool and jeans) and we were both agog.

Does anyone have studies showing that the processed junk foods are in fact cheaper? I am always shocked by how much they cost when I get some at the grocery store. As a student I avoided snack foods because I could not afford them (in Brooklyn, NY). I understand they may be cheaper by calorie, but certainly not by

As someone who actually has a real digestive autoimmune disorder, I'm a huge fan of bone broth. Do I think it's a cure all? No. But it does contain a lot more mineral and vitamins that "hot chicken/ham/beef water". It's also a good alternative to other beverages, and very soothing when I'm in a flare. I asked my

So sick, and yet it is difficult for these same women to access birth control. The docs who did this should lose their licenses and go to prison. I do think though that many of these women would benefit form birth control IF ITS HER CHOICE! I'd love to see them offer an implant as part of discharge. It has the

I'm surprised nobody explored a non-permanent option. An implant (like an implant) is very effective and only lasts 3 years (or you can get it taken out). She could have had the implant until a proper medication regimen made her better.

To be fair, this painting was considered quite scandalous in it's day.

This is a perfect example of correlation, not causation. It is common practice for doctors at his hospital (MGH) and it's affiliates (Brigham and Women's) to prescribe bcps for their Crohn's patients because many of us get flares when we get our periods. I admit it is perhaps my pwn sexism that makes me distrust any

I may be the oddball here, but I like iceberg lettuce. It holds up better to thicker or stronger tasting dressings, or as part of a composed salad. I love it with a dressing of anchovy, lemon juice and garlic. Yes, I said I was an oddball.