
But if you abolish ICE, who’s going to wear the new brown shirts with the fancy armbands when Trump finally spreads his fascist wings to their fullest extent?

This has to be the single dumbest, most scientifically illiterate excuse for an article I’ve ever read by a supposed journalist.

The task of getting the picture of the black hole (technically, not the black hole itself, but the shadow of the black hole on the extreme gravitational-lensing of super-heated plasma on the

In fairness, this is a bug, not a virus. It’s inconvenient, not actually damaging.

The way I see it, there are two reasons you can send someone to jail; the first being for punishment, the second being for rehabilitation. A life sentence is one handed down purely as punishment (which is surely a form of vengeance).

Let him lie awake at night wondering who is going to do what to him that night, the

The orange sphincter won because the polls all clearly showed a sweep for the democrats. This led to apathy on the part of both Hillary Clinton in campaigning in states she felt she already had locked up and among Democratic voters who disliked Hillary enough to feel as though they didn’t need to vote for her in an

YES, it would be catastrophic.

Jar Jar Abrams’ STAR DRECK has absolutely nothing to do with Star Trek whatsoever. It’s a vomitous, horrendous abomination with zero redeeming qualities from a talentless, one-trick pony hack.

We want STAR TREK... Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek.

Stupid advice. A gun is a lethal force escalation and it’s very easy to talk tough and quite another to pull the trigger and shoot and possibly kill another human being.

Daenerys isn’t Jon’s sister... she’s his AUNT.

Wow... I’d rather pay for GW’s mistakes THAN live through them. But, hey, if you want to do both, that’s up to you.

1987 makes you Gen-Y, also known as a Millenial. You’re one of the generations that we Gen-Xers are complaining about (you on one side, the Boomers on the other).

Technically, a tomato is a berry and, therefore, a fruit.

Noah Wiley’s performance is the definitive depiction of Steve Jobs. Fassbender is an amazing actor but, based on these trailers, he just isn’t even remotely close to being able to play Steve Jobs.

Surprise, surprise... America proving once again that it’s not ready to be counted among the more civilised countries of the world.

Hire JJ Abrams and ask him to write a Star Trek movie.

I'd go completely the other way. After thousands of years of claims, hundreds of years of testing and what amounts to millions of man years of searching, no element of the supernatural has ever been demonstrated.

On the other hand, considering the size of the universe, the diversity of life, the ability of life to