
Be that as it may, Busch III has been in existence 10+ years now and as a division rival, the Reds really should know the grounds rules, as I’m sure the Cards do in GAB.

If the left fielder had signaled for a ground rule double and not played the ball off the wall, this wouldn’t have happened. But he did, and umps treated it as business as usual, and the game’s over. Saying that they couldn’t hear the phone is a cop out.

I hope somehow the Cardinals do make it to the playoffs and somehow beat the Cubs. With all the shit cups fans talk now that their team is finally good and these articles, I just think it would be hilarious.

happy friday, go Cards!

Much better than another article about how everything is racist.

This is not the type of Cardinals article I come to Deadspin for.

I will be unsubscribing from your newsletter post-haste.

As a Reds fan, most of us gave up on this team about a month before the all star break

Barry, are you insinuating that the Cardinals won....