
I think the point the Justice was making is that if the rationale for terminating a pregnancy is the right to control your body, then there is a logical connection. But if the rationale is that the state is forcing women to become parents and raise children, then there is not a clear logical connection because

Editors!?!  They don’t have editors here.  At least not the kind that, you know, edit copy.

Once again the writers here are incapable of accurately summarizing the article they are copying (I mean “referencing”).

There is a time honored tradition of putting weight in the pickup bed for traction in winter—why not make it permanent to achieve the noble goal of not face planting? Gas was cheap, and your (possibly stolen) Jeep is a work truck.  Thanks for the clickbait!

You quote the NYT as writing:

I literally had an owl fly into the side of my car last month.  He was dazed, but came to and took off.

Amen! Fruit cake exists because you could store that crap for ever.  That day has passed.  And pumpkin spice does not belong in 99% of the crap that it is in!

Ms. Blackstock, I am perplexed by your implied reasoning here. Your snark appears to be clouding your sensibility. You wrote:

As I said before, the difference between 17 and 18 is not about being a child, it’s about an arbitrary legal standard.  

The vehicle is irrelevant—the violet crime of armed robbery was what caused the chase.

I’m shocked anyone still lives in St. Louis.  I lived there one summer and was grateful to leave.

A violent criminal is not more worthy of sympathy because he is 17 rather than 18.  The arbitrary age for a minor is not what’s important here.

By that logic, police should never be able to use deadly force to save others because police are being judge, jury and executioner and depriving the suspect of due process.

Drunk drivers do deserve to die because they threaten the innocent with death.

This one should not be in the unjustified chase file. It was justified.

This one should not be in the unjustified chase file. It was justified.

That’s what counts in the big picture. Outcomes. Petty squabbles over methods are for the small-minded.”

I don’t think filing a false police report after faking an assault counts as a “white lie.”  And it didn’t improve relations, it set them back.

Subtle.  And masterful acting!

Didn’t you see This is Us? The crockpot burned the house down and caused the White Savior Dad to have a heart attack saving the dog!