There are plenty of unjustified shootings to rally around. This isn’t one of them.
There are plenty of unjustified shootings to rally around. This isn’t one of them.
I wait for the light. I only proceed when it turns green. I don’t look both ways before proceeding. I am killed by a drunk driver running the red light.
Apparently you were asleep in junior high. It’s absolutely true that sometimes the funniest thing to say is mean. You see this in your daily life all the time.
His point was that human gender is not a social construct, but a biological reality. Whether your wife had a C-section is irrelevant to her gender.
No police forces are trained to shoot the gun out of someone’s hand—if deadly force is what a situation calls for, all law enforcement is trained to shoot center mass. Even then, most miss in a real world encounter. That’s why they are trained that way.
Civics questions:
I blame the metric system. One meter is longer than one yard. :)
She wouldn’t be the first to take a job even though her boss is a racist...
Regarding your statement:
Am I the only one who read this same story on The Root last April? Search Couric. 4/30/20
Shanelle, your colleague, Tanja, already reported this story for the Root on 4/30/20. Do you guys read each other’s stuff? Do you have editors? Your take added nothing other than that Couric repeated something she said before.
I thought she was an addict of some kind--booze, maybe?
I’m not sure winning the 22nd season of Big Brother counts as TV history. This ain’t Jackie Robinson/Barrack Obama stuff.
Conservatives ought to be receptive to abortion related to rape and incest because the woman was a victim of violent crime.
There is a bit of a contradiction in these two tweets though:
No, this is a model for black democrats. Staying within the party but having one voice and real political strength on one or two key issues.
This is definitely actionable in a civil suit, and I think the city prosecutor could find a generic charge to bring if they really wanted to.
This issue is more about class than race. For hundreds of years, common people were buried on private land with no real paperwork or special recordkeeping. Whether the “cemetery” endured had more to do with the dedication of your relatives to maintaining it than anything else. When the land was sold, a lot of these…
I have trouble getting very interested in this case. is Elon Musk the “worst person you know?”