slaves before masters. simple as that.
slaves before masters. simple as that.
> guys don’t even know how to throw a proper punch
> we’re not taking factories and hospitals away from stockbrokers
I was getting 660s on the verbal part of the SAT without reading the selections, just by knowing test-taking skills.
> This might be the stupidest funbag topic ever.
> Eventually he died shabby and insane in Caen.
> computer scientists from MIT.
yes, yes you are. you have eliminated a vowel before the final letter of the word. that makes you the worst.
good luck telling me if the password in question was the one that required the two non-numeric characters, the three symbols which last appeared in medieval music notation, or that one I finally managed to invent that satisfied their need for six different solutions to the Reimann hypothesis, expressed in standard…
wasn’t there an article earlier about ‘disregard bleacher report’ or whatnot?
actually, playing Pink Floyd sounds pretty cool.
that or he shoots a guy who is smaller than him but still dares to look at him funny.
what the fuck is steamed milk? is it like steamed clams, or more of a Utica expression?
“for you”
> this kind of aggro shit would get Barstool kicked off of Twitter
I was once on a commuter train that came to an incredibly fast stop, and then did not move for about 5-10 minutes. then, the driver announced that there was an incident on the rails, and we would be waiting for maybe half an hour to 45 minutes. we indeed waited something like that interval.
I was once on a flight where a passenger one row behind me and across the aisle suffered some sort of severe medical issue. he definitely was not moving while flight attendants attempted resuscitation. luckily, we were close to our arrival airport so we did not have to divert, but the pilot did announce that there was…
> the CFL has a formal policy on violence against women
Jerry Jones just read that and popped a woody so hard that his plastic-surgeried penis popped right off and flew around the room hissing like a poorly controlled balloon animal.