I like pooping.

> I’d like to see much of the events it tells me about to go away.

I hung out with Jeff Suppan.  seriously, he apparently owns a restaurant in the area and we chose it out of coincidence.

I honestly cannot tell the difference between the civilian and cop halves of that wheel pattern in Item 2.

Rhode Island
millions of dollars

> Guyger, who is currently on administrative leave

sure, but what if I gotta shit 5 minutes in?

80s humor was weird, man

> there’s also habit, the kind so powerful that it borders on indoctrination.

0. you’re gonna die anyway. do something you enjoy.

> a person he didn’t name who had been “trying to bring down our show.”

same manifestations of the same entity.

I was a Garbage Pail Pail kid fan from back in the day and therefore I cannot think of her as anything but Mary Lou Rotten.

ha ha.  okay but seriously stop it.

> He’ll die broke unloved and alone in a shithole,

I mean, if you fuck kids, you aren’t blessed with anything that could be considered human.

and the total number of those days is ... 1.

ha ha gawker died.  stupid AJ.