I like pooping.

the human typographical error is still around? fuck, I thought he faded into obscurity after he tried stuffing a crab down his pants as a college athlete.

I don’t understand this article.

Melania deliberately and specifically gave herself Donnie’s face. that’s gotta count for ... something?

what the shit article-leading image donkey man uncanny valley i have no esophagus and i must puke

ahhh dude please retire before you fuck your brains right out of your head.

today I learned what an Italian tune-up is.

pretty sure I haven’t used the word “roxor” since approximately 2003, which is coincidentally the last time I used the word “pr0n”.

*spit take*

> For the life of me I can’t understand the appeal of... nerdy white guys

how much did they pay you to write this?

your poor neighbor!

pretty sure it’s just imperfect english.  “a higher level, than any other victory of mine, I have achieved in LeMans”.  or something similar.  it’s the most proud he’s ever been of one of his victories.

then shoot the whole thing into the sun. the entire planet, I mean.

yep, I don’t think GWB was actually a sociopath. 

a country of ... less than 5? where do they get the remaining 6 or more with which to field a side?

seriously how hard is to give him the title of “hitting coach” or something.  I mean if he’s already on the team payroll as a special assistant; it’s not like you’d have to work out a contract or anything.

ya know, once you’re done with your popcorn bucket you can use it for other purposes.

this ugly, completely useless undercurrent of our culture needs to be deleted.

“gee, I didn’t hear you over the sounds of babies being detained!”

florida is fucking huge. I was in Mobile for around lunchtime once and figured I’d be in Miami by dinner.