
Yeah, definitely a slow day.

“We’re just eating a lot today and not caring about what we look like?”
“Ugh, lame. What is going on with you? You’ve outdone yourself.

Wow, it’s almost as if these high-stress environments expose people who don’t respond well to stress.

I saw the preview screening as well as the final cut and both versions kind of ended flat for me. The reason was that two characters who you grew attached to throughout the film, Keaton-Bruce and Kara, are punted out of the movie and never spoken about again. There’s no catharsis when their universe is destroyed and

But you’ll be making 2.5x the average family income?

This doesn’t even seem that much smaller, and is somehow even uglier than the original design.

I genuinely can’t get myself to buy something that ugly. Hopefully the PS6 will at least come in all black.

Whoever decided (glossy) panda-print was the way to go this generation should be shot

Thats not a PS Slim... Thats a PS Fat...

Seems weird they didn’t ditch the ugly design of the regular PS5.

Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?

“Dropping HBO from the name is cementing that ‘we’re not just a home for premium programming,’”

This post leaves the important bits out. From a Dodge press release:

Don’t be lazy - posting some pics of the different kinds of anchors would make this article way better.  You probably could figure out how to make a slideshow out of it!

It. Wasn’t. Fun.

Maybe if the movie had utilized a Princess Bride-style framing device, where Andy shows the movie to his kids or something, and then featured that in all the trailers, audiences would have had an easier time getting behind it.

Maybe not your cup of tea, but have you noticed how many awards it has won and continues to win? And people may also prefer the design over the other options. Have you seen some of the other options? Most drivers aren’t blind.

In fairness, he basically said WW84 was ass in his interview with io9.

I hate DeSantis too, but yea, I think American citizens should have priority in buying land and property in their own country over foreign entities. But all foreign entities. Not just China.

Now THAT’S a Jalop story!

Always a thrill to see an article about the Ridley Scott Superbowl commercial.