
Look, all they need are a few Centurions... “man and machine, power extreme” is literally their tagline. 

Or just buy any halfway-decent front projector and you could have 110"+ right now for a lot less many (and with similar or better specs in many cases, including 100% DCI-P3 color).

This could be the most unambitious product I’ve ever seen.

This isn’t it.

Imagine how small your penis must be and how large your gun collection to be the focus group for this truck to feel the need to disparage people you don’t know simply because they have preferences (and probably an income) you don’t.

3 cylinder... auto only... FWD only... it’s as if Chevy is ACTIVELY trying to make me not want their cars. 

Sooo... Iron Man, but blue. And with Avatar wings.

Strange new worlds is shockingly good... so glad they were able to move past the Discovery debacle. It’s like comparing HBO prestige with a procedural on CBS. 

None of it matters. The studio would have made it suck regardless of which direction things went. 

The answer is YES, you can absolutely get internet+cable TV for less than internet+streaming. And any bafoon that says you can’t simply hasn’t tried... just call Comcast, give them 10 minutes of your time, and you’ll save a ton of money (the contract thing is a myth, too, so long as you keep literally any service from

This bank took on too many risk loans (small, unproven tech companies) and too many non-profits (percentage-wise, an unusually high number). Both of which were pretty dumb, and it’s not really a surprise what happened.

I think you are... it’s called bait-and-switch. You’re told one thing (one of a set number), but what you are given is something else (one of many). If you were told you could buy a limited-edition print, comic, collectible, etc., you’d expect it to be just that. And you’ve have a right to be upset if it wasn’t.

Stay away... at this size, it’ll run hot and loud, while still not outputting that many lumens (not “true” ones, anyway) and giving you crap contrast that makes it all look washout out. Google the Optoma UHD38... it costs the same, has 3x as many lumens, a 120Hz refresh rate, crazy-high contrast, and it’s from a

It’s not an expression of “the free market” any more than a hostage saying they support their kidnapper is “free” to do so. The market has been manipulated by an irate subset of the population that uses social media as a bludgeon to coerce companies into doing their will (which changes on the whims of even fewer

This article misses the point entirely. First, the makers of TikTok are required to submit data to the Chinese Communist Party, which makes them relatively unique given their reach.

Well, one thing is for sure... it’s not Jalopnik that’s trying to save it, anymore. You guys have been letting us down on that front for a good 5 years or more, now.

I once won a paper airplane throwing contest by simply wadding up my sheet of paper into a ball and throwing it... there were no rules regarding the type or number of folds.

Well, I’m glad we know who the least-informed people on this site are, now... anyone who thinks modern, full-size trucks or the nearly-perfect Miata aren’t both objectively AND subjectively fantastic vehicles could legitimately be in need of medical attention. And the fact that the Prius is being touted as

Wow, that’s some nonsense you’re spouting there... stuff like routers and switches aren’t “logging” anything. And this was a specific directive of the courts, which they clearly and blatantly failed to follow. No need to give them a pass. 

Wow, do you work for Google now, Mack? Google was explicitly told to turn the feature OFF and it’s their own damn software so it’s not like they didn’t know how. Why are we pretending it was some kind of innocent mistake?