
Anyone else but me read this as “Jon Lovitz”?

I did the same but with the addition of thinking Mia Farrow. I was like “that is a very odd desire the poster has.”

Same! I was hella confused for a minute.

Maybe this is why my initial reaction was repulsion/disbelief....

It only took 4 Jezebel comments for me to go from complete disbelief to “huh, I’m ok with this, go on you crazy kids.”

I did the same thing and I was VERY confused/dismayed.

Me too hahahaha, I was like WAAHHH?!

I was terried at the thought of Frank Sinatra’s son and The Pathological Liar getting together, but I see that Jon LovETT is a different, charming individual.

I read that as Jon Lovitz and my mind was blown.


Not sure that it will ever fully bloom in my brain that Jon Lovett is not Jon Lovitz.

I was thinking of Jon Lovitz and did like a triple take.

I think it’s just a different coif.

So did I, and was really trying to wrap my head around it.

So, I don’t know who Jon Lovett is, so when I read your comment I thought you were referring to Jon Lovitz; I was well and truly gobsmacked that Lovitz and Farrow would know, let alone like, each other. Truly that would have been an awkward pairing!

Glad to know I wasn’t the only one.

Me too, and I was briefly interested.

I initially read Jon Lovett as Jon Lovitz and thought to myself, “I mean, I guess it could work.”

HOLY SHIT. I thought you meant Jon Lovitz, of late-1980s SNL fame and was seriously horrified. Phew. Off to Google who this Jon Lovett (NOT Lovitz) character is...